How To Choose The Right Insurance Policy ?
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How to choose the right insurance policy ?

Finance Manager

Choosing the right kind of insurance cover not only determines the care that we receive should our health take a wrong turn, but it can be the wild card in your financial plan. There are many benefits of an insurance cover; however, topping the list of benefits is the financial support that a family gets in the event of the untimely death of the income provider. As getting the insurance cover is an important aspect of a sound financial future, choosing the right insurance cover is equally important.

First and foremost, choosing an insurance policy must be based on your current and projected income or simply put your current and projected ability to pay the insurance premiums, your medical state, your age, future financial plans etc.

Secondly, you also need to look at:

Cost-Benefit Ratio

The cost of the insurance cover depends upon many reasons, some mentioned above and other factors depending on what is covered in the cover or its riders. Thus, you have to keep a close eye on the cost of buying insurance and ensure that it justifies the benefits covered under the policy. Simply put, a right balance must be struck between the cost and benefits available.


You need to ensure that the insurance covers all your dependants and that it also covers the majority of health problems.

Thirdly, the promises made by different insurance companies are all fine; however, it depends on you whether you need a pure insurance cover or you need an insurance cover coupled with an investment opportunity. The four major kinds of insurances that most people opt from are:

  • Term Insurance - Term life insurance or term assurance is life insurance which provides coverage for a limited period of time
  • Endowment Policy- An endowment policy is a life insurance contract designed to pay a lump sum after a specified term (on its ‘maturity’) or on earlier death.
  • ULIPs - Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) provides for life insurance where the policy value at any time varies according to the value of the underlying assets at the time.
  • Money-back Policy - Unlike ordinary endowment insurance plans where the survival benefits are payable only at the end of the endowment period, money back policies provide for periodic payments of partial survival benefits during the term of the policy