Top 5 Reasons Why Indian IT Professionals Return Back To India
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Top 5 reasons why Indian IT professionals return back to India

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In last couple of years there has been severe shortage of H1B visas. The quota of 65000 work visas for skilled labor in US gets filled within hours of opening up. Even today, there are lots of Indians who want to leave Indian shores for greener pastures to the West.

However, Can you really call the west having greener pastures anymore?

Yes, they are greener, albeit just slightly. The gap between living in India and US / UK is reducing quite fast and it is quite evident from the number of IT professionals returning back to Homeland.

In last couple of years the number of Indians returning back has been constantly rising and according to survey recently conducted by Indus ventures around 60,000 professionals settled in US have returned to India in last year alone. That is nearly equal to Indians going to US yearly.

So, what are the reasons that have given rise to this trend?

Here is a brief look at top 5 reasons 8 reasons:

  1. Rapidly decreasing gap between Salaries in India and US. Salaries of Indian IT professionals in last few years. If you compare the living cost and salary ratio, I think an IT professional can lead much higher standard of living in India than he does in the Western countries.
  2. Opportunities! India is full of opportunities, with every MNC globally trying to open shop in India. Infact, the reason for such higher salaries in IT professionals is lack of people in this Industry. According to one recent NASSCOMM survey, India is facing severe shortage of IT professional by nearly 30%. So the IT professionals moving to India get much better growth opportunities than in the West.
  3. Most of the returning Indians are couples in the age group of 27 to 35 having kids. The major factor cited by the survey was to protect their kids from the Western culture. I am not saying Western Culture is bad, however for kids growing up in US with parents having Indian roots creates a lot of problems. Not without reason do they say ABCDs (American born confused Desis).
  4. Education is also one of the foremost reasons for Indians to move back. It is generally believed that Indian schooling system is quite good; however higher education is much better in the West.
  5. Constant feeling of getting back to the roots. You ask any Indian settled in US and you will always hear, “Wish I’d gone back to India”. If you don’t understand, go watch Yash Chopra films and you will know what I am talking about.