Inspire Yourself
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Inspire yourself

Inspire Yourself

Why do certain people inspire us and others do not? What did these people do or achieve that make us admire them? Whatever the reasons are for the inspiration, within each and every one of us there resides inspiration.

"One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do." -Henry Ford

CHECK OUT THIS-to inspire yourself

Time to take out a pencil and paper and do some thinking. There are some questions I am going to ask and you must jot down your answers on this. Please be honest with yourself and when I ask for 10 things or reasons, don't stop until you do. To help you get your mind in first gear, I provide my personal answers to these questions after the questions.

A. What are the 10 moments/achievements in your life that you are most proud of? So many times we only remember the bad, it sometimes help to remember the good times. Make postcards of it and stick it up around your personal space (room or study) and dare to remember the good.

B. Who are the 10 people you most admire in the world (living or dead) and what is it about them that you admire?This is an insight I borrowed from Think and Grow Rich - set up a council of advisors with attributes you admire and think what they would do in every situation you find yourself in.

C. What are the excuses you use most often to not do something exciting/worthwhile?Once you write these excuses down on paper, you start to realize that mostly it is only yourself that is keeping you back. When I did mine, I realized how flimsy many of them were and I now recognize them when I try to use them. Now I rather try to act than use flimsy wimpy excuses for not doing it. Are you willing to commit to not using them again?

"If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success." -John D. Rockefeller
