One’S Role Model – Who Is He?
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One’s Role Model – Who is he?



As I child we made lot of fun while producing mimicry of teachers of our own school and more often, of the Class Teacher and the Principal. Is it because in our subconscious mind we accepted them as our Role Model? I remember – I talked about my Science Teacher quite often, even my children know his name; he was not only brilliant in Math and Science, but also a great English teacher. His control on grammar was great and his pronunciation and diction while he spoke was exemplary.


But the world is changing and so is our society, which not even long time ago, showed respect to the age old value system: simple living and high thinking, live and let live, etc, etc.


Now first thing first – we talk of CTC. I feel there is nothing wrong in it. But when I hear that the Old egg seller struggled hard and lived in hardship for years for simple reason - his only son was selected for Engineering and he had vowed to meet his expenses - come what may; but old and sick he is now, continues to live in penury, probably waiting for that phone call to PCO near his house. His son is now settled in the US.  

Who do you think my son will emulate- the egg seller or his son? Or still better, one of the two whose fights make headlines quite often.I know - 'Chalta Hai' will be the answer.

We talk of big big things - inculcating healthy in – company and corporate culture, better transparency in  everything, and what not.

Is there any 'Module' for training employees on these human aspects. I suppose the HR men and women are too selfish; we only think of our Employers and not the employees. We forget - these men and women can turn performances of the enterprise upside down, if they make a Team - united, motivated and focused.   


