Only few institutes offer Ph.D course in Management in Bangalore - Why?
There is so much hype about Bangalore worldwide. However there are umpteen drawbacks that needs attention from all corners. Let me limit my discussion w.r.t academics. There are several individuals like me who would want to pursue Ph.D in management both for career & professional development & its a misconception that only faculty members from school & colleges should pursue. There are lots of MBA colleges offering part time/executive/online MBA courses..but there are no such institutes to cater to Ph.D especially in Bangalore......Indian education system is one of the best in the world, but instead of having a triangle shape of that systems for acquiring qualifications we should have a system by saying "Education is a journey" & inculcate knowledge as much as possible. Just education alone doesn't qualify an individual as a good human being, but proper understanding & use of that qualification will surely enlighten the person & thereby wisdom would prevail.
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