Indian Brands Waking Up To Social Media Revolution
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editricon Indian Brands Waking Up To Social Media Revolution

Bangalore: With the 45 million soaring number of Facebook users in India, brands are finally waking up to the call of Social Media Marketing. Currently, almost every brand is seeking for social media vendors to understand the use case of social media and its implementation on their business. As a result, social media agencies are mushrooming.

“We are seeing tremendous shift in the perception of the brands towards Social Media platforms. Initially, brands and businesses were not sure of how social media could leverage their business. But with much market education and the growth in the social media platforms, businesses have understood to ask the right questions”, said Bhupendra Khanal, CEO of InRev Systems which is the owner of the leading social media monitoring platform in India called Simplify360. He added, “Currently, we are clearly seeing brands demanding more quantifiable metrics from social media like the Buzz Score, Industry Opinion Scores, Engagement Metrics and Social Media ROIs.”

Currently, the focus of many brands is on Facebook pages and building communities around them. Most brands have started spending huge sums of money on Social Ads such as Facebook Ads and running large Social Media Campaigns.

Some of the top brands on Facebook with respect to their Fan population are:

Tata Docomo : 6120238

Kingfisher : 3141678

Vodafone Zoozoos : 2887081

Fastrack : 2707549

Pepsi India : 2038426


It is clear that sites such as Facebook and Twitter are allowing brands to reach out to larger audience and create better awareness about the brands. In a Global level, Brands have already begun to step into the next phase of social media marketing by adopting complex tools to measure the influence and ROI of social media. As Indian Agencies start addressing these issues and start providing valuable services to Brands, Brands will be equipped with better understanding and confidence to bring Social Media into their core marketing strategies.

