Google plans to attract Gmail users From IE to Its Browser
Google has projected a new idea to increase traffic on its own Chrome
browser or Mozilla’s Firefox. This time Google played a game to dump
Internet Explorer for its Gmail users. When user open Internet Explorer
6[IE6] and hit then a pop-up window appears with the link
& message “Get Faster Gmail” when you click on that link it drags
you to Google’s Website that boasts Chrome browser or Mozilla’s
Firefox-3 are “Twice as fast” in speed of currently running Gmail.
I found that Google is advertising its browsers only with Microsoft IE6 & IE7 and state that Chrome, Mozilla’s Firefox(2&3), Safari and IE7 are only browsers can support all features of Gmail. According to statistics around 50% of browsing market has been captured by IE7 & 20-21% share has been taken care by IE6. So if Google’s this plan become successful than it will be able to hold some share in this field of browsers.