How To Handle Anarchy In Office?
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How to handle anarchy in office?

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Anarchy is the complete absence of any governing body or authority. Theoretically, it’s a state of lawlessness providing every individual with absolute authority. The word ‘Anarchy’ comes from the Greek word “anarkhia ", which means lack of a leader.

The colonial Spirit – Civilizing the Savages

An idealistic society was destroyed when the first ship of slave traders landed on the African shores. The so called ‘savages’ were hunted down like animals and taken to the civilized Americas to slave in the cotton farms for the white massas. Two hundred years of slavery was justified as the ‘white burden’ of civilizing the black savages.

Anarchy in History

The wild-wild west was perhaps the only period in modern history when there wasn’t any law to reign in individuals. ‘Do as you please and take what you can’ were the sole principles that guided human action. Apart from this brief period of partial anarchy, we have never had an opportunity to get hands on training in the concept.

Wishful Anarchy

In its idealistic best, Anarchy presupposes is that every human can flower to his fullest potential when he’s left alone to decide his fate. In time he’s bound to come-up with a very personal and distinctive style of creating value. ‘True anarchy’ believes in creating a voluntary social order of such liberated individuals

Anarchy in the Organization

An organization can be symbolically represented as a smoker. Where the cigarette is the organization’s necessity and nicotine is its reward. The smoke of the cigarette is the corruption or the distress lived daily by the employees. The more an organization wants things done, the more employees are robbed of their liberty. This gives birth to corruption and all its vile brothers – nepotism, backstabbing and the like
