How do I optomize my AdSense revenue?
Would like tips and hints from anyone who is earning a good sum of money from AdSense every day and earning $50 to $80 every day.
Google's AdSense is a great way for publishers to gain the chance of making extra money for their online efforts.
The 728 X 80 Leaderboard and 160 X 600 Wide Skyscraper Ad a great format placed on the top it will get a lot of clicks especially if it is text only and matching the colour scheme of your page, this ad spot is one that I regularly sell directly to advertisers so Adsense gets moved very quickly from this position when I get a private ad sale.
Hope to gain and share some knowledge about marketing online!
Keywords found in the following page elements are given more prominence:
The crawler analyzing the page doesn't look at the CSS. You can still use CSS, but just be sure to use h1 and similar tags for headings and do your bolding and italicizing with the b and i tags.
The actual location within the HTML source code for the page is also important:
Keywords closer to the top are deemed more important than those near the bottom.
Note that this does not necessarily correspond to the location at which the content is displayed—use the View Source option of your browser and look closely at the page to see which text the crawler sees first.
Steps have been taken to fix issues regarding relevancy, but there are still things publishers can do themselves to help. Several fairly simple measures can be taken to increase one's chances of getting cat-related ads on a cat-related website. Since relevancy can impact revenue, taking a few steps is almost always a good idea. The first thing that publishers can do is focus on section targeting. This involves putting code around the most vital parts of a website to ensure that AdSense reads these parts to fish for relevant ads. It is also possible to target areas ads should not relate to, such as footers, sidebars and other content that might not relate to a website's overall focus or that of an individual post.
Meta tags are considered outdated in some circles, but they can have an impact on the ability of AdSense to read a page for relevant ads. With this in mind, it's a good idea to make sure they include relevant keywords. Meta tags can be found on a page's source code. If they don't fit the topic at hand, put in words that do. Bloggers will find this is very easy for them to do when "title tags" code or Meta tag management plug-ins are used. While Meta tags can be important, overall keywords in posts and articles are more so. The idea here is to make sure keyword focus is clear enough for the bots to read. Make sure they are obvious, but don't destroy the flow of the content. Having the right works within posts and articles can simply make it easier for AdSense to scan for relevancy. Brand names and trade names are perfectly acceptable to use and can result in very relevant ads.
When writing posts or new content, titles are extremely important. Just as titles should have keywords included for search engine optimization, they need to for AdSense, as well. Other components on a website like pictures can play a role, as well. Although the importance of picture names to AdSense is a little fuzzy, it doesn't hurt to ensure they are named with the proper keyword in mind. In a perfect world, AdSense would work as it was meant to all of the time. It's not a perfect world, however. A few easy measures can very much help publishers ensure relevant ads on their websites. It can, also, help increase revenue. If problems still arise, contact AdSense directly. A little time and patience for a reply might be required, but the folks behind the program are noted for their willingness to correct issues.
"Discover The Hidden Tactics To Getting A Lot More Google Traffic For Free ... "
I hope this info will help you.
Yours sincerely,
Karoly Domonyi
Aries Register
Fax: ++(36-29)-496-196
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Art Gallery in Europe

What do you do to get higher earnings?
To begin no you should not drop Google Adsense, it is an easy to get into and manage revenue stream, but the trick here is to look at the type of Google ad units you use and where you use them. I find Adsense is great to use in the top right hand corner of a post the 250 X 250 Square or 300 X 250 Medium Rectangle is a great format to use here depending on space, both of these formats also work well with forums in forum posts.The 728 X 80 Leaderboard and 160 X 600 Wide Skyscraper Ad a great format placed on the top it will get a lot of clicks especially if it is text only and matching the colour scheme of your page, this ad spot is one that I regularly sell directly to advertisers so Adsense gets moved very quickly from this position when I get a private ad sale.
Hope to gain and share some knowledge about marketing online!
Keyword Placement
Keyword density is just one factor. Where the keywords are found within the page is also important.Keywords found in the following page elements are given more prominence:
- * The page title (the title tag)
* The page description and keyword list (the meta tag)
* The anchor text of a link (the a tag)
* Headings (the h1, h2, etc., tags)
* Bold and italicized text (the b and i tags)
* Lists (the ul, ol, and dl tags)
The crawler analyzing the page doesn't look at the CSS. You can still use CSS, but just be sure to use h1 and similar tags for headings and do your bolding and italicizing with the b and i tags.
The actual location within the HTML source code for the page is also important:
Keywords closer to the top are deemed more important than those near the bottom.
Note that this does not necessarily correspond to the location at which the content is displayed—use the View Source option of your browser and look closely at the page to see which text the crawler sees first.
- * Put your primary keywords into the Title tag, make it about 7 words
* Work the same keywords into the
* Insert the main keywords and keyword phrases into the keywords tag, about 10 to 20 words. Google doesn't use this, but other search engines still do
* Insert your header logo, give it a file name with the keywords in it (NOT something like "logo.jpg")
* Edit the "Alt" tag of the header logo so that it contains your keyword phrases
* Change the H1 header tag under the logo so that it contains your keywords
* Alter the text in the red separator area, inserting your keyword phrases between the pointers. Keep in mind that this is not a header tag - it is the first line of main body text the GoogleBot spider sees
* Write the main body of text, making sure you start off with your keywords at the beginning. Do not repeat them more than once or twice within the main body, I am sure it would be great for your webs
* Insert one other picture into the text body and use keywords in the file name and "Alt" tag for trick
* Use another image in the page footer, with keywords in the file name and Alt tag
* Right before testing your site, put some related links for increasing your website variations
* After you've done with that, you should got some web testing programs that can be loaded from their own server to make sure that your tips and tricks working normally for AdSense advertising
Steps have been taken to fix issues regarding relevancy, but there are still things publishers can do themselves to help. Several fairly simple measures can be taken to increase one's chances of getting cat-related ads on a cat-related website. Since relevancy can impact revenue, taking a few steps is almost always a good idea. The first thing that publishers can do is focus on section targeting. This involves putting code around the most vital parts of a website to ensure that AdSense reads these parts to fish for relevant ads. It is also possible to target areas ads should not relate to, such as footers, sidebars and other content that might not relate to a website's overall focus or that of an individual post.
Meta tags are considered outdated in some circles, but they can have an impact on the ability of AdSense to read a page for relevant ads. With this in mind, it's a good idea to make sure they include relevant keywords. Meta tags can be found on a page's source code. If they don't fit the topic at hand, put in words that do. Bloggers will find this is very easy for them to do when "title tags" code or Meta tag management plug-ins are used. While Meta tags can be important, overall keywords in posts and articles are more so. The idea here is to make sure keyword focus is clear enough for the bots to read. Make sure they are obvious, but don't destroy the flow of the content. Having the right works within posts and articles can simply make it easier for AdSense to scan for relevancy. Brand names and trade names are perfectly acceptable to use and can result in very relevant ads.
When writing posts or new content, titles are extremely important. Just as titles should have keywords included for search engine optimization, they need to for AdSense, as well. Other components on a website like pictures can play a role, as well. Although the importance of picture names to AdSense is a little fuzzy, it doesn't hurt to ensure they are named with the proper keyword in mind. In a perfect world, AdSense would work as it was meant to all of the time. It's not a perfect world, however. A few easy measures can very much help publishers ensure relevant ads on their websites. It can, also, help increase revenue. If problems still arise, contact AdSense directly. A little time and patience for a reply might be required, but the folks behind the program are noted for their willingness to correct issues.
"Discover The Hidden Tactics To Getting A Lot More Google Traffic For Free ... "
I hope this info will help you.
Yours sincerely,
Karoly Domonyi
Aries Register
Fax: ++(36-29)-496-196
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