Are You A Graduate? Are You Employable?
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Are you a graduate? Are you employable?

As a fresh graduate out in the job market looking for suitable job opportunities for freshers, you will realize that there are many candidates for the same job and some get an advantage over the others. So, what is it about some candidates that let them have an advantage? It is the soft skills. It is these skills that set two candidates apart from each other and make one more employable than the other. Jobs for freshers have increased manifold in India over last many years, yet it does not guarantee a job for every fresh graduate. The problem lies in the skills gap. Even qualified and degree-holding graduates may not be employable because they do not have good presentation skills, good communication skills or a good knowledge of computers. These thing are not taught during formal education so it is important to upgrade your skills by signing up for a course that teaches you all this. A personality grooming course or a language course or a basic course in computers is all that you may need to land that first job in your career.

The undergraduate education in India is not such that it churns out immediately employable graduates. Even companies who hire freshers complain about the same that there is a serious lack of skilled applicants in the country. Those who earn non-specialized degrees are hardly hirable in fresher positions immediately after graduation. The role and responsibility of freshers in companies has changed from what it used to be earlier. Even in call centre jobs, it is not just about good language. It requires good communication skills, good interpersonal skills, quick thinking, knack for problem solving, working effectively in teams and delivering presentations. These are the skills that you will not learn at college but would either need to develop on your own or learn from an institute who offer such finishing and bridge courses.

Employers look for some basic qualities in freshers such as effective communication skills in English, professional selling skills, pleasing body language, effective time management, a good know-how of computers, and a general smartness. Thus, it should be your prime objective to fix these gaps if they exist in your personality and get that fresher job that you have been waiting for to launch your career. Once you have identified which sector you are suited for, you should work diligently to develop skills relevant to that sector. There are various short-term courses that one can opt for to develop the pertinent skills to make oneself more employable.

Improving upon your communication skills is relevant to all sectors. No matter which industry you join, it is a skill that will help you advance your career a lot. Especially if your job involves dealing with clients, you will be required to have amazing communication skills. Even if you do not have to deal with customers or clients, having good communication skills will ensure that you gel well within a team, can effectively communicate your ideas and can get noticed more.

Over all, professional grooming will immensely boost up your chances of getting those fresher jobs. They will make you more employable and help you build a successful career from the start itself. Apart from working on your oral and written communication skills, you should also work on how presentable you are. A well-dressed, well-groomed candidate will get immediate attention at an interview better than others who have not paid much attention to making themselves presentable.

You can also enroll yourself for a foreign language course to get an edge over others. With MNCs setting foot in India, preference is given to candidates who have the knowledge of at least one foreign language. Learning French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese or any other in demand foreign language can give the required fillip to your job prospects. Learning a foreign language will also give you an advantage if you wish to work abroad. Other than this, you can do short term diploma courses to upgrade your skills. In fact, going for short-term diploma courses is always appreciable at all stages of your career as it gives you an edge over others and doesn't bring stagnancy into your career. Thus, these are the useful skills that graduates can develop to become employable for thousands of fresher jobs up for grabs out there.
