The One Thing I Did
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The One Thing I Did

As an private employee, there are numerous ways to challenge and improve my self. Education and adoption of new technology is a popular way to add challenge to a lifestyle. But its also handy to have a little trick up your sleeve to really push your limits. And for me, it’s all about making the conscience effort to do one thing every day that scares me. It’s easy to feel the aal are against you. You look at other employee and think they have it easy. It seems they can launch just about anything and with it comes a ton of success. And here you are, sitting, wondering why nobody is visiting your app. Now its easy to fall into the trap of believing there is nothing you can really do about this and all that’s required is hard work and eventually something will happen. I used to think like this. But then I started pushing my limits, putting myself out there and suddenly the doors started opening. For me, asking others for things can be scary. Or used to be scary. There was a time where I was afraid to pick up the phone and talk to a clients and users, thinking, “how could they possibly care about my language, body posture, my presentation ”. Yet, after doing it every day for a week, suddenly it didn’t seem so scary anymore. I moved onto to doing something else that scared me. But whats more incredible about this is the change in attitude it has brought about. I’m starting to see through the irrational fears that I have (and everyone else does too) and doors are starting to get opened left and right. I’ll take the high I get from succeeding while doing something that scares me, over sitting around, being “just comfortable”, any day.