Firefox 3.5.1 Fixes Serious Security Flaws
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Firefox 3.5.1 fixes serious security flaws

Mozillla releases Firefox 3.5.1 update version for Windows, Mac, and Linux on Tuesday. This new version claims a fix for critical security hole and available in more than 70 different languages.

Critical security hole:

Firefox 3.5 was released in a hope to build a better foundation for Web applications, but within a short period of time a susceptible security critical gap in the browser's JavaScript engine was located. It was surely critical because an attacker could create a Web site that would run malicious code on the computer.

Mike Beltzner browser director said in a blog post Thursday, that they strongly recommend all Firefox 3.5 users upgrade to this latest release for improving stability, and speeding launch time on some Windows systems.

As usual the new version can be installed from Mozilla's download site or by selecting "Check for Updates" in the Help menu, and don't forget to squeeze in a 128MB of RAM to install and run Firefox 3.5.1.
