8 Pros And Cons Of Voice User Interface
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8 Pros and Cons of Voice User Interface

Devices with voice user interface (VUI) are the latest gadgets with lots of buyer’s crazy for them. Everyone just wants to have one of these devices in their home to enjoy the bliss of modern technology. Not only is it fun to talk to the device like you are talking to a robot, but it also proves itself to be useful by helping you to save time and energy in carrying out the necessary chores.

8 Pros and Cons of Voice User Interface

1. Multi-Tasking

VUI makes multi-tasking possible when you are faced with limited time. You just need to say all your requests to the virtual assistant and he will carry out them one by one according to the priority. There is no need to interact with the screen or do anything else to get the virtual assistant to carry out the task. You will find that you can achieve more with the help of the virtual assistant.

2. Hands-Free

VUI enables you to give a command to the virtual assistant hands-free. Some devices can be heavy to hold and the fact that VUI can work for hands-free will keep your hand from feeling tired when you have to give a command to get things done. There are lots of time when you are busy with things that require you to use your hand like driving and cooking. With VUI, you just need to give the command in your normal voice tone. Speaking is faster than typing or tapping on the screen.

3. Read Email Messages Aloud

A virtual assistant can help you to read out your email messages and text messages without you having to go through one by one. It works for you if you always get a lot of messages in your email inbox. The virtual assistant can read the text in a slow tone at the volume you preferred. Having the text of email messages read aloud makes it easier for you to understand the meaning of the message.

4. Help You to Do All Your Shopping

VUI can help you to do all you’re shopping including taking out order, groceries, etc quickly. You simply tell VUI to go to which website to shop and what items to buy and it will help you to get them done. This saves you time from having to drive to the store to get the items you need. When the delivery man arrives, you simply collect the item that you've ordered.

5. Reduce Cognitive Overload

VUI can absorb a lot of information at one time. For example, you want to do grocery shopping and you just have to say what you want even if it is a long list of groceries. It will remember everything, better than you going to the store and forgetting what to buy. It helps to prevent cognitive overload.

6. Able to Predict the User's Needs

VUI can assess the needs of the users accurately. It can also predict the needs of the users in various aspects of life and make suggestions. It can even make predictions on certain matters that you did not imagine. Sometimes, your brain is stuck and you don't know what you should do. Just ask the virtual assistant, he might give you some answers that help the right idea to come across your mind.

7. Must Give the Command in a Way that the VUI Can Understand

VUI is not a human, it is a robot assistant, and therefore, it can fail in understand what you are saying sometimes. You must say in a way that the virtual assistant can understand you. Some of the things you can do for successful interaction are spoken slower, change your accent, and use simple sentence.

8. Requires Lots of Mental Work

Studies claim that VUI can require a lot of mental work from the user. Some people claim it is harder to think what to say than it is to type them out. It can cause distraction and prevent the user from concentrating on the tasks at hand. To avoid this problem, you should avoid doing something when you are talking to the virtual assistant. After all, it only takes a few minutes to give the command to get done different tasks.
