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Cloud Telephony Emerges as a Strong Ally for Rising new Entrepreneurial Class
Forget about what economists are saying about declining growth prospects or worsening economic indicators in the days to come. Just look around you and you will see a rising entrepreneurial class pushing the frontiers of technology and commerce with their daring do and never- say- die spirit. This entrepreneurial class is extremely tech savvy.
However, one must say that today’s breed of entrepreneurs have a big advantage over their predecessors because they have the benefit of cloud telephony. Cloud telephony is rapidly changing the rules of business all over the world. It has nurtured and promoted the lean startup model and has helped many startups get a sure footing on the slippery terrain of business and commerce where one slip can lead to a long fall into oblivion.
First let us try understanding why startups fail. According to recent statistics, more than 75% of all startups fail. Startups can fail due a number of reasons – bad strategy, recession, lack of demand, poor marketing,etc. To this endless list, you can now add chronically slow technology uptake, which is especially relevant in the early larval stage of a startup. St
arting your own gig is risky in the best of times. In an economic downturn it is ritual suicide (The Japanese call it Seppuku or Hara-kiri). But, how do some businesses manage to succeed even in a downturn while others perish? The answer to this question lies in the extent to which the founders are ready to adopt emerging technologies of the day. It is usually the early adopters who survive.
Many centuries ago it was fire. The early caveman used it to better himself. His neighbor refused and perished. Same thing happened with the invention of the wheel. Every epoch had its breakthrough technology – fire, wheel, steam engine, internet and now cloud technology. Only the early adopters survive while the rest simple perishes under the heavy wheels of time. The world of business and commerce is at a cross road again. The older systems are not built for the times. It is the lean startup era. Those who migrate to cloud services are better off than their counterparts who rely on legacy on premise systems.
Cloud telephony, which a successful offshoot of the cloud movement, has disrupted the telephony segment with robust and scalable services, providing startups the basic starter kit to successful startups. On second thought, disruptive is a bad word. Cloud telephony is anything but disruptive. It can be easily integrated into legacy systems and works equally well as a standalone system. The only thing disrupted is legacy telephony systems.
However, one must say that today’s breed of entrepreneurs have a big advantage over their predecessors because they have the benefit of cloud telephony. Cloud telephony is rapidly changing the rules of business all over the world. It has nurtured and promoted the lean startup model and has helped many startups get a sure footing on the slippery terrain of business and commerce where one slip can lead to a long fall into oblivion.
First let us try understanding why startups fail. According to recent statistics, more than 75% of all startups fail. Startups can fail due a number of reasons – bad strategy, recession, lack of demand, poor marketing,etc. To this endless list, you can now add chronically slow technology uptake, which is especially relevant in the early larval stage of a startup. St
Many centuries ago it was fire. The early caveman used it to better himself. His neighbor refused and perished. Same thing happened with the invention of the wheel. Every epoch had its breakthrough technology – fire, wheel, steam engine, internet and now cloud technology. Only the early adopters survive while the rest simple perishes under the heavy wheels of time. The world of business and commerce is at a cross road again. The older systems are not built for the times. It is the lean startup era. Those who migrate to cloud services are better off than their counterparts who rely on legacy on premise systems.
Cloud telephony, which a successful offshoot of the cloud movement, has disrupted the telephony segment with robust and scalable services, providing startups the basic starter kit to successful startups. On second thought, disruptive is a bad word. Cloud telephony is anything but disruptive. It can be easily integrated into legacy systems and works equally well as a standalone system. The only thing disrupted is legacy telephony systems.
This is a contributory article from Knowlarity Communications, the pioneers of cloud telephony in India