Securities In A PC
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Securities in a PC

What does Securities mean?

Today talking about securities is a common thing in our life.But again we take it as granted.But now its time to understand what does security really means...

If we are using a PC with an internet connection, we are literally connected to the whole world.This means we are surrounded by infinite hackers,sniffers,PC shooters, etc. i.e we are not safe at all.We are at our seperate private extensions at our office.Still we cant monitor our PC all time.We own a cyber cafe,running days and nights various persons working on them.

Thus, we need to have some securities.

And this is what I am going to post in my blog...


Plzzzzzzzz DO NOT put any passwords relating you.(Name,Relarive's Name,Mob no.,or Dictionary words).Try to make your passwords more complex.Could be P@ssw0rd, M@dm@n!nt0wn,etc. DONT use any passwords less than min. 8 characters. Try to use HEXADECIMAL passwords.Cud be PR@nay1928, etc.NEVER use only numaric characters. When we put passwords like these it becoms very tipical to hack your password without physically accesing your PC.

Try to use BOOT PASSWORD. Just enter into your BIOS and put a password.It asks for the password as soon as the PC boots.This keeps ypur PC safe from any physical access even to your bios to play with the settings....Though in desktop PC it is easy to remove bios password through opening the cabinet.But this is very uncommon trick hence very few person knows it,and it is 99% safe in laptops since itis difficult to access the motherboard.I wrote it 99% because nothing is 100% safe.Specially for those who are professionals...

Windows Firewall-

It is really BULL SHIT if u rely on windows firewall.Its just a formality from Microsoft.I always recomend to use third party firewall.Still you should not let the default settings of the firewall.You should configure your firewall according to ypur need and level of working.Now a days most of the antivirus company are giving a firewall, antispam, or anti adware along with their antivirus.According to my perception now a days Kaspersky 2009 is the best working antivirus with a brilliant firewall which you could even define according to your need..

Windows Update-

Windows update is technically called Windows Genuine Advantage or WGA Service.Its common that we in INDIA use all pirated OS (Windows).So, if you are connected to your internet service then it could be very harmful for you to use pirated OS.Microsoft is so wise to trace you out, through the updates.Actually Wibdows Updtes also sends a brief log to Microsoft that you are using pirated OS,and certainly Microsoft crashes your OS or even hard disk..

Thus to avoid such cicumstances,just put OFF the Automatic Updates.Best way to put it off is-

Log in with administrative privillage account,,,,,,,,, Start--Run--Services.msc--Scroll down to Automatic Updates--Right click--Properties--Startup Type--Disable it--OK--on left pane click STOP.

Your task is over..Cloce the Services...Restart your PC.


Dev Ranjan (Senior Asst. Syatem Administrator) Vodafone
