Infosys Q3 Profit Increased Even In Recession. What’S The Mantra?
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Infosys Q3 profit increased even in recession. What’s the mantra?

IT bellwether Infosys Technologies declared a healthy performance in the October-December quarter, reporting 14.5 per cent rise in net profit to Rs 1641 crore as against Rs 1432 crore in the previous quarter. Income stood at Rs 5786 crore vs Rs 5418 crore (QoQ).

Infosys, the second-largest software services exporter in the country, kicked off the sector's earnings parade today, which would be followed by Tata Consultancy Services on Thursday.

After Satyam lost its credibility, Infosys Technologies is expected to gain the most among the top Indian IT players. Although there will be no shift towards one single provider, Infosys’ reputation as a firm with high corporate governance standards as well as its US listing is expected to stand it in good stead when customers make a choice, said analysts.

"The senior management of Infosys has come out quite aggressively in the media on maintaining high corporate governance standards," pointed out Ascendia Consulting principal analyst Alok Shende. However, the hitch to this could be Infosys’ premium pricing, which some analysts said was 10-15% higher than Satyam’s rates. This, along with a substantial customer overlap, could work in the favour of the number one IT exporter, TCS.
