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You want a flat stomach. You've probably tried some of the ab exercise machines, the "fat-burning" supplements, and the "secret" diets. If you still can't see your abs then you're ready to try these 5 steps.

1. Eat Smaller Meals More Often

Uncovering your abdominal muscles means you have to lose body fat. Eat to get lean by eating smaller amounts more often. Speed up your metabolism and keep it stoked by eating healthy meals and snacks at regular intervals.

2. Just Say No to Sugar and Refined Carbs

Nothing will sabotage a flat stomach faster than sugar and refined carbs like white bread, white rice, and pasta. Cut out processed food and reach for whole grains, fruit, and vegetables instead.

3. Mix In High Intensity Workouts

Endless hours of low intensity cardio will not give you killer abs. You need to incorporate bursts of high intensity into every workout.

If you run, add some hills or sprints. Bump up the resistance level for 5 minutes at a time on the elliptical or stairmaster or stationary bicycle.

4. Yes You Have to Lift Weights

The only way to lose fat and uncover muscular abs is to increase your lean muscle mass. Muscle burns more calories even when you're sleeping! Hire a trainer to develop a fat-burning weight-lifting routine. It doesn't have to take hours in the gym. Even body weight exercises done correctly for 20 minutes 3 times a week can yield amazing results.

Already a gym rat? Alternate a lower body and upper body exercise to cut out the rest periods between sets. You'll be astonished at how fast you get lean.

5. Do Yoga (Yes Yoga)

I know what you're thinking. How can something as laid back as yoga possibly give you a flat stomach? Yoga is intense and elongates your muscles. You'll work out from the inside out and eliminate the fat lining your internal organs.

The deep breathing revs up your metabolism. You'll cut down on cortisol, the chemical reaction to stress that causes us to stay fat as our bodies go in to "survival mode". Just try it. Yoga is the missing ingredient in your flat abs program.
