Advantages And Disadvantages Of Creating Single Page Websites
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Creating Single Page Websites

According to most of people, the days of single page websites are over. These are the days of multiple page websites, both dynamic and static. People tend to keep different pages to specialize in different sections, like one page for the photo gallery, one for the contact info, and one for the description of the product line and so on. But they do not realize that as there are so many disadvantages of single page websites, there are advantages too.

The advantages of a single page websites are:

  • Information at a glance
  • Less clutter
  • Creates a Bold statement
  • Cheaper
  • Better Search Engine Optimization

The biggest advantage of a single page website is that you can view all the information at a glance. All the information is present on a single page and you do not need to search through the website or browse the site map. All the information and data are present right in front of your eyes.

There will be less cluttering of elements. There is no need for a navigation panel and there is no need to create menus and links to other pages. No search widget required, just your contents will dominate in your webpage. This will create less clutter and will be more pleasurable for your eyes.

As everything is present in the same page, it will create a very bold statement. The information will be more trustworthy and the web page will be more professional than the multiple pages website.

Creating a single page website is cheaper and very cost effective. You need to code search engine keywords only for one page, which will save a lot of time and a considerable amount of money. All the keywords will be on the same page and it will help you concentrate on the keyword density as they will be less complex to control.

However there are certain disadvantages too. They are:

  • Potentially a larger page size
  • There will be plenty of content and no specialization
  • Difficult to find the needed object
  • The page will take longer to load

As everything is on the same page, it will require a larger page. Larger page means, surfing difficulties and your traffic may leave your page just because of this inconvenience. You really do not want to lose your traffic and your potential clients just because you want to save some money.

There will be plenty of elements on the same page, so it will take a long time to load and the contents of the pages will be difficult to find. You will not have specialized pages and all the contents, like the company info, company’s perspective, contact information and the company’s portfolio will be on the same page. The page will take longer to open, which will be ultimately penalized by the search engines, creating a decrease in your overall amount of potential clients.

There are many pros and cons of designing a single page website, but the single page websites are very old school and are seldom in practice. So it is better to create a website, keeping up with the trend.

