The only true way to master a language, be that any language, is to gain a good grounding in the grammar and syntax of that language. Without them (i.e. grammar and syntax), one only has a superficial knowledge of the language learned. Therefore, it is important to include both of them in the study of a language. And this, I have endeavoured to do to my utmost in my English Language programmes.
Apart from grammar and syntax, there are other branches too to be considered in the study of the English language. They are vocabulary, composition, spelling, punctuation, communication aspects, etc. Reading good books and poetry also enhances one’s grasp and fluency in English. All this serves well towards the development of the individual and boosts his/her confidence level to speak and write English in an effective manner.
Much literature, methods are being promoted in the market place of how best to learn English in a short time. All types of activity methods, visual or oral aids and the use of expensive apparatus do not guarantee the mastery of the English language or for that matter any language. Slick or ultra progressive methods do not prevail in learning a language, except in so far that a smattering of conversational ability may be achieved. Let us face up to the fact that acquisition of a language arrives by dint of careful, exacting study. If you are expecting to hear about short cuts to learning the English language, you are doomed to disappointment.