Manners On An MBA Interview Table
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Manners on an MBA interview table

MBA Student

All the competitive exams now have a PERSONAL INTERVIEW session. A student needs to prepare himself for this round as well. A candidate may be knocked out in the interview session, if he doesn’t have good manners. So here to give you some very useful tips on mannerism.

Basic Mannerism to crack an interview.

1. Knock the door before you enter the room.
2. Wish the interviewer as soon as you enter the room. Wish the lady first, if the panel contains a mix of male and female interviewers.
3. Sit only when you are asked to sit down. After waiting for few moments, ask for permission.
4. Sit up straight. Try not to slouch or lean back in your chair.
5. Be very attentive during the entire interview session.
6. Even if you don’t know the answer for a particular question at least give it a try and then answer the question.
7. Be very humble and polite during the interview.
8. Suppose, it is a 3:1 interview. And two questions have been thrown at the same time. Try to answer the question in which you are confident first, but remember to reply to the other interviewer that you will answer his question shortly.
9. Always try to wear a smile on your face.
10. Don’t bite your finger or shake your legs or any other such movements, these are the signs that you are tensed.
11. Always put forward your positive attitude.
12. Be confident while answering the questions, but don’t be OVER-Confident.

These are some of the ways in which you can keep yourself away from committing some of the commonest mistakes in an interview.
