What are the Work, Responsibility, Irresponsibility, and Management, Mismanagement?
How to make good success in your job
What are the Work, Responsibility, Irresponsibility, and Management, Mismanagement?
Nothing is more irritating, guilt-producing, and incriminating than an unfinished book; live to your last chapter.
I am so glad to share this truth about How to make good success in your job, because millions of people struggling with their jobs, why the people are struggling? Why the people are not satisfied with there work? Why the people are going on changing there jobs? Why we have to work? What is the purpose of work? Why every human being desire to want success? Why the work is so suffer and pain to do? Why we never satisfied with our job? Why some people are doing more hard work but earning little much? Etc…
Its very interesting subject, May be you find this kind of title in so many books are available in every book shops, but I think it’s different from any other books because what I am going to write its going to deals with your mind and heart. The purpose of this small article is, The Jesus said, you will know the truth; the truth will set you free. When the people have known the truth about every thing in the reality of life, then they have deliverance from everything.
Now we have going to see what means work? In the world millions of people are not satisfied with their jobs and they are feel work is suffering and pain, then their future plans and desires are different from there doing present job, then they working hard still life long, then they have not achieve anything, then life is going with blaming the boss, co-workers, staffs and even family members also, then they get angry and blaming with every body in our society. Everyday they feel going to job with unsatisfied; some thing forced them to do work. What is the problem? And what is the solution for that?
So I think the problem is lack of knowledge in everything, because first of all they don’t know, what is the job? Why we have to work? What is the purpose & meaning of work? What is the responsibility & management of work? Etc…. basically this kinds of questions when arise before people, they have something wrong perception. We think work is a curse, paining, strain, sweating, very hard… what we can say about? This kind of attitude we have and leaving with it, we think that is the life, nothing we can do it, that’s the way we have to live it. See those who are say this kind of words; really they don’t know about work.
Why you have to work? The most people answer like this, I am going to work to earn money because of, I have to feed and take care my family members, house rent or build own house and bye bikes, cars, etc… what ever needs to me and my family that’s the reason I am going to work. That is good but, that is not reason to work. this kind of wrong attitudes we have about work, because of our culture, that the reason we have still not moving anywhere in our life, working hard, hard, hard, but still not satisfied and any progress in our life, because lack of knowledge.
Every body asking to men mostly the first question is; where you are working? What are you doing? Why all are asking like that? Because the work determines the man’s worth, honor and his position.
When man stops to working, he starts to dying!
See work is not a curse, suffering and paining. Rather then Work is a blessing, really work is what you have already born with the talents, abilities, skills and potential, that we must find out and bring out day by day and cultivate it with right purpose according to your vision, this is real hard work, when you do this, then you don’t bother about money are any other needs in your life, because now money works for you and money overtakes you. Remember, don’t work for money. It is so hard to live. Learn how money works for you. In the earth of planet money and work is not a problem, man is a problem.
Here I gave some important strong statements and principles about work, potential, responsibility & irresponsibility, management & mismanagement. Some gist is taken from the book Author is DR. Myles Munroe.
Living, or Making a living? Millions of people just like you leave home every day to go to a place they call “Work”. The reality, however, is that they simply go to a job. There is a difference between your work and your job. I define a job as a place of activity, which may or not employ your gifts and talents. It may provide a source of financial income, but not necessarily fulfillment. A job may fill your life your life with activity, but not necessarily effectiveness. It might render you busy, but not progressive.
For countless millions, their jobs became social prisons that they endure rather than enjoy. These people have become “employed slaves” who sit through hours of emotional, physical and mental torture, longing for the freedom to be some where else, doing some thing else and finding joy and personal fulfillment in their lives. In essence, a job for many is a glorified from of slavery, one that imposes an acceptable from of oppression on the masses.
“True freedom is the unrestricted. Uninhibited access to pursue the specific area of one’s gifts or talent”
The idea of work, as used in this context, is “to become”, which implies manifestation rather than activity. In other words, to work means to become and manifest all that you are on the inside. It means to release and expose your full potential through your gifts and talents. Simply put, you were created not to be employed, but to be deployed. The number one problem in our world is not unemployment, but under deployment. Because of the spirit of oppression, most people find is easier to be employed rather that deployed, because deployment demands too much personal responsibility.
True freedom is moving beyond your job in to your work. It is not being employed, but being deployed. In fact, if what you are doing is not deploying and releasing your gift and talents to the world, then you have discovered the source of your frustration and depression in your job. I do believe that jobs are important and should be the prerequisite for discovering and fulfilling your work. However, I also submit that until you find your true work, you will never be truly free. Jobs prepare you for your work and should be embraced always as temporary.
Recently I interviewed a young lady who was very depressed over her job situation. I asked her, “What is your occupation?” she replied, “A secretary”.
Then I asked, “Are you happy and fulfilled with your job? “NO!” she replied. Then I said to her, “Then your job is not your occupation, but rather your preoccupation.”
This is why so many people hate their jobs. Their jobs are not their occupation. You were created to be occupied by your gifts and talents. This is your work. Study any successful, prosperous and fulfilled individual, and you will see that person pursued his or her gifts, talents and passions- not materialism or fame. We must learn that wealth, materialism, prosperity and a credible reputation are by-products of true freedom – not freedom itself. Great personalities like Michael Jordan, tiger woods and others have achieved exceptional levels of success and impact on their generation and the world.
“You were created not to be employed, but to be deployed.”
Discovering your assignment and gift in life and pursuing it can make the difference between living and merely making a living. The majority of people on this earth will live their entire lives taking from life, not giving; paying their personal debts, not their debt to humanity; and living for retirement, not for releasing their full potential to their generation. I challenge you to go beyond employment. Like Bill gates, refuse to be a member of the oppressed norm; rise to explore the uncharted heights of your imagination. Tap in to your gifts and release the well of your treasured talents.
The greatest cause for the abortion of countless dreams and vision in life is the abuse and misuse of authority. When the creator created mankind, He placed with in man.
“Discovering your assignment and gift in life and pursuing it can make the difference between living and merely making a living.”
The boundless measure of potential to dream and achieve greatness in life for His glory.
Over six billion individuals call this planet home. Each individual is carrying a dream of desire. However, the majority of these dreams will never tap in to more 1 percent of their true ability, due mostly to the destructive specter of a wrong environment. Just as a seed, which is filled with a forest, need soil, nutrients, water and fresh air to bring forth its full potential, so does the human spirit need to be nurtured to reach its full potential.
“The purpose for the privilege of power is to facilitate the productivity and development of those for whom one has been given responsibility.”
WORK: The master key.
Work is the master key to releasing your potential.
The minute you quit working, you begin to die why? Work is a necessary part of life.
A car runs on petrol – you run on work.
What is the secret to a productive life? The love of work
“Work begins on the inside”.
Potential and priority of work:
Potential is never realized without work. Work is a gift from God.
Five ways in which work benefits the worker:
1. By providing for physical needs.
2. By revealing potential.
3. By unveiling the blessing of work.
4. By giving the opportunity to rejoice in achievement.
5. By building self-esteem.
Work keeps you healthy, physically and emotionally.
What does a thief do? He steals. (List several ways many of us do this to our bosses)
1. Come late to work.
2. Take extra – long lunch hours.
3. Go home early.
4. Take pencils, papers, pens and paper clips.
5. Make private copies on copying machine.
6. Conduct personal business on company time.
If you are able to work and you are not working, you are- stealing from those who are working.
Laziness is theft. (List 10 penalties for laziness)
01. Hunger.
02. Isolation: shame.
03. Other’s reluctance to take you seriously.
04. Lost opportunities for advancement.
05. Inability to see your own need to get up and work.
06. Loss of ambition.
07. The desire to sleep.
08. Inability to take pride in-accomplishment.
09. Slavery.
10. Poverty.
The Greek word for poor, as used by Jesus is POUCOS.
The Greek word for poor means Non-productivity. Poverty is Non-productivity.
Poverty is cured by hard work.
Understanding work:
Working for fulfillment is better than working for money. The purpose of a job is work, not money.
What is the difference between work and a job?
Work releases potential: a job provides a pay check. Work is God’s way of revealing your talents, abilities and capabilities. The Greek word Ergon means: to activate. Ergon is often translated Work. From Ergon comes the word Energy.
Work is the activation of stored energy.
Another Greek word for work is energia, which means to become.
->The existence of possibilities is a potential.
->The activation of possibilities is work.
What does work teach us? DISCIPLINE
What is one of the greatest things parents can do for their children? Demand that the children learn the responsibility of work at an early age.
Committed work toward a desired result is the key to your success.
A fantasy is: a dream with work, a vision without a mission. Missionaries take the vision and make it a reality.
The key to the realization of your potential is: your willingness to work. (prov.21:5)
Responding to Responsibility:
The greatest need of ability is responsibility.
Responsibility is defined as: A state of being reliable, accountable and answerable and trust worthy.
Responsibility indicates the transfer of something: Valuable. Responsibility also embraces: 1. Self-reliance. 2. Effectiveness. 3. Faithfulness. 4. Capability.
Why is work called employment? Work employs your abilities for the purpose of manifesting your potential. Finishing is more important then starting: the end of a thing is greater than its beginning. God gave you potential for the blessing of future generations.
What is responsibility? Let’s look at the word Responsibility. I like to divide it up in to three parts and look at each one. This is not the official dictionary version of the origin of the word, but this really helps me get a grasp on its meaning.
The first part of the word responsibility is “re” which means “to return to the original” to go back to the source”. The second syllable of responsibility is “spons”. This always reminds me of “sponsor” which means “one who assumes responsibility to pay for another or support another”. A sponsor is a supporter or an upholder. The sponsor is the one who pays for something or who oversees and is responsible for the execution of something. A sponsor is one’s source.
The final part in the word responsibility is “ability”. Ability means “to have the power to perfume what ever is required”. So ability is strength, capacity, might and potential. When we put the three parts of this word together, we get an interesting definition. Responsibility means “submitting, or returning in submission, the power given to you”. It is giving account of the ability to the one who sponsored you by maximizing that potential as he demands. “Responsibility demands a response”.
“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today” (Abraham Lincoln)
“A sense of responsibility is the clearest indication of maturity” (John Maxwell)
“We must learn that freedom is not the absence of law, work or labor but the embracing of responsibility”
The price of greatness is responsibility- Winston Churchill.
Some so-called successful persons who have positions and titles in companies can’t manage their own families. They’re making $600,000 a year, but they’re wandering around in the wilderness when it comes to loving their spouse. They have learned to manage and earn money, but they can’t manage their homes. Psalm127:1 says, “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builder’s labor in vain”.
There is no way to walk in to freedom without shouldering its responsibility. If you want that promotion to general manager, you must want the position’s responsibility. The price of responsibility requires more time, talent, energy, initiative and substance. The title is nice, and the pay is wonderful, but the workload is sevenfold. You have to be there earlier then everyone else and be the last one to leave when you are in charge. If any thing goes wrong, they call you – day or night. If the water pipe bursts at 3A.M., get ready for a phone call. The nine to five work day doesn’t apply to you anymore, because now you’re the general manager, and now you work all the time.
It’s easy to be a janitor, because you can leave at five. When you’re working as a clerk, you can sometimes slip out for a two-hour lunch, and nobody cares too much. But if you ever want to progress, you will have to grow up in to the responsibility of freedom, because there is a cost to being free.
Responsibility makes the hard-working choices to get up earlier and work in to the night to get the job done. And this is what freedom allows us to be when we honestly want to be truly free.
“Maturity is characterized by responsibility”.
“Some people are so busy trying to get over their past that they don’t have time to live their future”
“You are where you are because that is where you have subconsciously chosen to be”
The word irresponsibility means “not answerable to authority” Does that sound familiar? Many people in the world to day don’t want anyone telling them what to do. They want to do what they fell like doing, and they want to do it as long as they want to do it.
Irresponsibility also means “Lacking a sense of account-ability or not liable or able to answer for consequences”.
“The entire world is suffering under the destructive influence of an irresponsible humanity”.
The word irresponsibility also carries with it the meaning of “Lacking conscience” or Unable or Unwilling to respond to conscience”. It is mankind’s conscience that allows us to distinguish between right and wrong. When life style of irresponsibility is allowed to increase, the voice of conscience is progressively silenced. Some people are doing unbelievable things, yet they have no sense of guilt or remorse after they have finished. People are shooting each other, husband are beating their wives, fathers sleep with their daughters, wake up, shower, eat brake-fast and go off to work as of nothing has happened. Conscience has died through out much of the world’s society because we have inherited a spirit of irresponsibility. To be irresponsible also means to be “fickle and changeable”.
Whether you are poor, black, white, rich, Indian- no matter who or were you are –“Stop blaming the system. Stop blaming the authorities, Stop blaming your parents, Stop blaming boss, and Stop blaming you past. Get your act together and became responsible managers.
To day, more then ever we are experts at blaming the past for our present.
“Irresponsibility is freedom’s deadliest enemy”
Tow names, one enemy- Oppression and Irresponsibility:
When people are oppressed- in any generation or any people- they develop a spirit of irresponsibility and a hatred for work. Many individuals to day are carrying the baggage of their former oppression. Work is not viewed as an opportunity to glorify God and receive his promotion; it is viewed as an obligation- merely a way to pay the bills.
“When your work becomes as important as three meals a day, you are becoming a responsible person”
So many people in their “retirement”, they thought, we made it! Retirement time! Fishing boats, hammocks, golf courses, tennis courts-no more work! And that’s just how so many people think to day. Historically, formerly oppressed people always dream of going to a type of heaven where they will finally be free. Some even dream about getting a million dollars. So they can quit work. If you think that way and do stumble across the money, God will probably take the million from you to send you back to work, because work is not a curse. It’s the first thing God gave man to do (Gen.2:15)
Don’t hate work. Love work. Develop a passion for the thing that God gave you to do. Do it the way Jesus did it: “My food”, said Jesus, “is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish his work”. (john4:34)
“When your work becomes as important as three meals a day, you are becoming a responsible person”
When they have to pull you away from your work to eat, you are coming close to the spirit of responsibility. But if you can’t wait for lunch time, you have the wrong spirit. If you start work at 9 A.M. and you can’t wait for the coffee break, you have the wrong spirit. If you stretch out your break and read the paper’s until its lunch time, you have a slave-minded spirit. People who hate work can’t handle time. They because irritated and depressed when they have time on their hands, because time demands the responsibility of deciding how to spend it. They love it when people drive them and tell them what to do, because they have the spirit of the slave. And because nothing a slave does is for his own good, people who have been oppressed for years have difficulty with productivity. Most third world and developing nations are suffering from this to day.
Do you know how the prosperity of a country is measured? It is measured by the Gross National Product (GNP). The wealth of a country is not measured by how much money they have in the national treasury, but by how much the people are producing. When the majority of your people have lived their lives under the whip of poverty and oppression, productivity suffers and the country stages poor. GNP simply means the collective productivity of the nation’s citizenry.
“Oppression actually conditions people to be unproductive, and laziness becomes a life style”
What is the management is? Management is the efficient and effective use of another’s resources with the intent to give an account of your use of the resources to the one who entrusted those resources to you. The bible calls this stewardship. If you stop to think about management this way, you will discover that you’ve been in business since you’ve known the Lord.
Everyone has had some resources entrusted to them. These resources can include children, abilities, creativity, finances, assets, your home and your yard, just to name a few. There fore, everyone is a manager of some thing.
What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what is within us.
We are going to look at some important principles of management and mismanagement that will add some depth. To the management elements covered in the next one. Nothing makes the owner of a company angrier than a manager who thinks the company and its resources belong to him personally. So we will start in principle with the irresponsible realities of mismanagement.
If you want to get fired very quickly on any job, go ahead- I dare you to act as if you own it all. Take the computer home for your daughter’s history report. “Borrow” the fax machine for a few weeks just act as if you own every thing, and see what will happen. You’ll be fired so quickly you won’t know how to manage the disappointment.
The owner can take whatever he wants out of the office, whenever he wants, because he owns it all. But the manager can’t so it you mismanage the owner’s resources, he will replace you. He has the right to come and get his resources anytime he wants, no matter where you put them. In essence, the manager is accountable to the owner. Stewards must be faithful to their proprietor. “Management begins in the mind”.
The four principles of management:
1. Stewardship in not ownership
2. Order and organization are the foundations of management
3. Man was created for the management of the earth
4. You must understand the assignment and instructions
Another word used for management is stewardship. Management attracts resources.
It is impossible for you to be a proper manager it you don’t obey the boss. You can’t manage the company any way you fell like doing it. You have to stay in touch with the boss’s vision and the company’s vision. If you manage Kentucky fried chicken, you can’t decide you want to make hamburgers, you can’t manage without obedience to the authority in the company.
Every time you mismanage, your incompetent reputation will follow you. If you get fired from a job because you’ve mismanaged the company’s resources and you apply for another job, the first question they usually ask is who your former employer was. So don’t think that you can mismanage and start over fresh. Your mind will always take you back to where you stumbled until you learn to manage right.
Many governments, and the nations they oversee, are poor because of mismanagement. Haiti is the oldest republic in the Caribbean and was the first country to gain independence, yet it is the still the poorest country in the region. Trinidad has oil, Jamaica has bauxite and Guyana and Nigeria are rich with gold. Yet every one of these country is borrowing money and is a victim of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) why? Because of greed, misplaced priorities, mismanagement, distorted ambitions and personal agendas Poverty is ultimately a product of mismanagement. People who have much get more because they manage well, and the poor who are poor because of laziness and mismanagement will probably always be jealous of them.
These mismanagement principles are eternal, if you don’t learn them, the result and the consequences of violating them will be evident. You will always be poor and depressed. You will always live as a beggar below your privilege.
Any management – minded person will want to avoid these principles remember, the first syllable of management is “Man”, because it is his destiny and design.
The elements of management:
O1. The authority
02. The purpose of the authority
03. The resources to be managed
04. The value of the resources
05. The responsibility that comes with the assignment
06. The standards of expectation
“The most important person to change is your self”
Five principles of mismanagement:
01. Misuse of resources produces mismanagement. (Misuse leads to mismanagement)
02. Misappropriation of resources brings disqualification and guilt. (The principle is:”Whatever you mismanage, you will lose”. Whenever you misappropriate material, whether it’s money, property or people, you become disqualified to manage that resource).
03. The responsibility of management cannot be transferred. (“You cannot abdicate your responsibility and hold some one else accountable for your daily affairs”. If you support and finance a mismanage, you become complicit in his foolishness and can become part of his mismanagement sin)
04. Whatever you mismanage, you will lose.
05. Mismanagement may be “Personal”, but it is never “Private”.
All men to day are fallen because of one man’s mismanagement.
There is a very revealing law in economics that says that you can tell mismanagement is taking place in a nation when the nation’s people have to pay more taxes. When there is corruption in high places, or when there’s mismanagement anywhere in government, it is the people who have to pay for it. This demonstrates clearly that people pay publicly for personal and private mismanagement.
Let’s bring this down to where you live say you bring home a stapler from your job. They won’t miss it, you rationalize. They’re a big company, they have two hundred staplers. But when there are ten thieves on staff (just kike you), and they decide to steal “privately” (just like you), now ten staplers are gone. But no one of the ten knows the other nine are doing it.
Ok, so you think you got away with the theft of the stapler. Now you take home some copier paper, just a hundred plain sheets. No problem, they have ten thousand sheets. But a hundred other employees are also doing it. All of a sudden the company sees that their profits are being used up by the unauthorized disappearance of materials. So next year the boss says. ”Last year we lost money because we had to replace a hundred staplers, a hundred thousand sheets of paper and about fifteen thousand staples. So this year we are going to have to lay of three people. You, you and you. In addition, there will be no bonuses this year. And by the way, there will be no raises. We are also going to freeze all salary increases for the next three years until our company gets out of the red and black in to the black.
Now your “private” acts have put three people in the unemployment line. The company has stream lined its investments and isn’t buying materials from the community because it’s smaller now. The businesses who sold them paper aren’t making as much, so they, in turn, must lay people off your thefts have contributed to putting all those people out on the street.
Let’s push this up to an even higher extreme. Because these people who were laid off due to curtailed business can’t find jobs, they break in to your house. Now there is a crime problem, thanks to your theft of the stapler and copy paper. The government has to hire more police, and they have to tax every body more to pay the salaries. When the police apprehend these former clerks and cashiers (now turned thieves), they isn’t any room in the prisons. So more tax money is needed to build another prison, where do you think all the money so going to come from? From you! Who else? When the new prison is built, they need new guards, new administration, new food and new cooks for the prisoners. So there’s more taxation to support this prison.
Do you get the picture? The cycle of mismanagement that began with the theft of one stapler never ends. In this same manner, the corrupt mismanagement on one or twenty- government official works it self down to enslave people’s lives. The third world is reeling from such “private” sins. Mismanagement may be personal, but it is never private, because it affects everyone.
You may mismanage your body personally by sleeping with some one in “secret”! No problem. You had a good time, and no one knows, Right? Wrong! Because one day, all of a sudden you have a sore on your nose. The doctor says you have a little infection, so they do some blood tests and find out that you have the HIV virus. “Oh, you’re married? The doctor asks. “Bring your wife tomorrow”. So you do, and because your wife is pregnant, now you have a wife and child with HIV. Your personal sin is not a private issue.
“But it was so private, God! “No, it wasn’t and because of your irresponsibility, generations to come will be contaminated by your private mismanagement.
“Mismanagement may be personal, but it is never private, because it affects everyone”.
Finally we have going to see about, what is the good success? When you ask people or yourself, we can tell success is who are richest, he is a successful person. Some people say who have power, prestige, and popularity in society, he is a successful person. Another people say who have goals, aim and ambitions in there life, he is a successful person. Like this only we all are think about success, ok that’s fine but I am taking about good success, Good success is beyond that all kinds of those persons, I am talking about good success according to bible, the person who really have good success means; who living with peace, happily, joyfully, healthy, wealthily, abundantly, enjoying with family members with his wife, children’s, father, mother etc.. This members who Takes care of them, provide every needs of them, protects them, peacefully and happily leads them until to the end of life, and He has to dominate, rule, subdue every things in the world, and he was not to be dominated by any things from the world. Then he is the real man in the world, and he has really good success.
True success is determined by what to do with what you have. See nobody poor in this world, when they are poor means, problem is they don’t know how to manage, protect and multiply. In the world poorest person is who have not good thoughts, ideas, quality decisions etc... Why in the world every human wants to success? Why they don’t want failure? For example; in our culture, when we ask any body how you are? They or we say immediately I am fine, why when they have really got in to so many problems & bad circumstance, in middle of that they are saying lie? I am fine. Why we ignore to say truth? Because we have to show them we always fine, even things may go wrong. Why? Because we are created to be succeeding in every work of our hands, every area of our life, success is our nature, and every human being born with that. There is no success without the application of the multiplication principle.
What is success? It is being in a position to help others who are hurting. Success is not a matter of being the best. Success is a matter of handling the worst.
Success is spelled W-O-R-K.