What Is Energy Drinks?
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What is Energy drinks?

Homeopathic doctor

What are Energy drinks?


Energy drinks are non-alcoholic beverages containing caffeine, guarana, glucoronolactone, taurine, ginseng, inositol, carnitine, B-vitamins, etc. as the main ingredients that act as stimulants. Such beverages usually do not emphasise the energy derived from the sugars they contain, but rather through a choice of stimulants, vitamins, and herbal supplements. These drinks provide a short-term boost that helps keep people awake as they are packed with caffeine and the likes. In that sense, they do not give consumers the energy required but only stimulate them. So the term energy drinks is a misnomer; an apt term could be stimulants or caffeinated drinks.


Energy drinks:

They have added caffeine and other ingredients that, their manufacturers claim, increase stamina and boost performance. They are targeted at students, athletes and all those who may want an extra energy kick e.g. Red bull, Current, Cloud 9, Romanov, etc.

Energy drinks are a deceptive combination of soft drink and pseudo-nutritional supplements. The big problem with them is that people tend to abuse them, drinking more than one at a time, or mixing them with alcohol.

From: www.cercindia.org

by- www.mindbodysoul.in

