Yoga For Flat Abs
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Yoga for flat abs

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Having perfect abs might not be as easy as it looks. So apartfrom the below mentioned yoga asanas, try complimenting the regime with otherthings like running, suryanamaskar, diet, kapalbhati etc. And don’t forget tobe patient. One little word of caution: don’t lie on your tummy after eating.

1. 30--Degree-Lift

Steps: Lie on your back. Now raiseyour upper body and legs slightly above the ground. Remember to raise the torsoor back and not just raise and bend the neck. That would strain wrongly. Thefeet can go up till a level of 30 degrees above the ground. Hands are to be stretchedout in front of you. Stay in the pose for 20 seconds, then come back and relax.Repeat once more.

2. Touch-your-Knee

Steps: Lie on your back. Lift yourone knee and bend it towards your chest with the help of your hands. Try andmake your nose touch your knee. The second leg remains on the ground. Once webecome comfortable, also try raising the second leg in the air till about a 30degrees level. Remain in the pose for around 20 seconds. Then slowly get backand relax. Alternate this with the other leg too. Repeat the round twice.

3. Acute-angle

Steps: Lie on the floor with yourhead facing down and hands bent by the elbow, kept by the chest sides. Now liftyour torso up to make your hands be straight and perpendicular to the ground,back and legs straight and the palms right below the shoulders. Now raise yourlegs to rest only on feet fingers. The neck is to be straight in line with theback. Stay for at least 30-60 counts, come down slowly and relax. Repeat oncemore.

4. -Cobra-Style

Steps: Lie down with the forehead onthe ground. Keep the legs together and the arms at the sides with the palms bythe side of the thighs. Now bring the arms closer to shoulder and then bend thearms at the elbows to bring the palms right below the shoulder. Tilt the headupwards to look up. Then slowly arch the spine and pressing the palms raise theupper trunk from the ground. Stay for 20 seconds. Then slowly resume to normalposition. Repeat once more.

5. -Leg-Lifts

Steps: This is more like those floor exercises. Lie on your backwith your hands either stretched over the head or by the side of your body. Nowraise your legs together up till a 45 degree angle and then slowly bring itback to the ground. Don’t bend the knees. The catch here is not to make yourfeet touch the ground but rather to keep it slightly up in the air. Then takeit up again till 45 degrees. Slowly repeat this motion of up and down atleast10-15 times. Relax then. Repeat if required.
