Seven tips on mentoring entry-level developers
Author: Justin James
Justin James has seen enough mentoring boondoggles to have a good idea of what does and doesn't work. He shares his ideas about how to have a successful software developer mentoring program.
One of my recent TechRepublic polls covered the topic of why we hire entry-level programmers. According to the poll results, more than half of the respondents hire entry-level programmers so they can mentor them into the type of programmer they need.
Schools alone can't prepare programmers for the real world; some sort of internship or apprenticeship is needed to complete a programmer's education. Unfortunately, few schools offer rigorous internship programs; even worse, most companies simply don't have anyone with the time to properly mentor an intern. (My latest download is an example of what a good training program for developers might entail.)
If your organization is starting or revamping a mentorship program, read my ideas about how to have a successful software developer mentoring program. Before launching into my tips, it's important to note that not every senior developer makes a good mentor, and there's no shame in knowing your limitations. If you don't think you can fully commit to being a good mentor, or you don't think you have the necessary skills or traits to be one, then say something. It's better to admit that you aren't cut out for the task than to force yourself to do it and waste time and probably alienate a promising new employee.
1. Make mentoring a priority
I think the key ingredient in a successful mentoring relationship is giving the relationship priority above anything other than an emergency. It is the inability to give the relationship priority that makes true mentoring scenarios so rare. If you don't make the mentorship a priority, the new hire quickly senses that she is not important..................................Read More
Justin James has seen enough mentoring boondoggles to have a good idea of what does and doesn't work. He shares his ideas about how to have a successful software developer mentoring program.
One of my recent TechRepublic polls covered the topic of why we hire entry-level programmers. According to the poll results, more than half of the respondents hire entry-level programmers so they can mentor them into the type of programmer they need.
Schools alone can't prepare programmers for the real world; some sort of internship or apprenticeship is needed to complete a programmer's education. Unfortunately, few schools offer rigorous internship programs; even worse, most companies simply don't have anyone with the time to properly mentor an intern. (My latest download is an example of what a good training program for developers might entail.)
If your organization is starting or revamping a mentorship program, read my ideas about how to have a successful software developer mentoring program. Before launching into my tips, it's important to note that not every senior developer makes a good mentor, and there's no shame in knowing your limitations. If you don't think you can fully commit to being a good mentor, or you don't think you have the necessary skills or traits to be one, then say something. It's better to admit that you aren't cut out for the task than to force yourself to do it and waste time and probably alienate a promising new employee.
1. Make mentoring a priority
I think the key ingredient in a successful mentoring relationship is giving the relationship priority above anything other than an emergency. It is the inability to give the relationship priority that makes true mentoring scenarios so rare. If you don't make the mentorship a priority, the new hire quickly senses that she is not important..................................Read More