Is WFH (Work From Home) Concept a SPAM ?
The world is really turning towards local outsourcing and work from anywhere concepts and real serious people running away from the concept because of some psychotic WFH concepts, websites, processes etc.
There are research and development happening to make simple outsourcing platforms which virtually work as the technology and infra resource for a Outsourcing center. Which really mean that a SaaS server can provide enough support to a WFH executive whom in need of a complicated Contact Center technology. Which is exactly pointing that the point of platform independability is really coming to the industry, literally in resources as well as capitals.
Due to the enormous fraudulent WFH projects around the world, the Freelance Job seekers as well as the processes makers, we call them clients, are turning face across like a parent who see a porn website.
But this is just like 'avoiding sex education because of the child may get awareness about sex !'
In this scenario, the prehistoric blunders cannot prevent the opportunity of the experienced and qualified people from utilized their abilities for the betterment of the industry.
Even the WFH job seekers are also the losers about this but the real losers are the entrepreneur's because they are loosing a chance to use this huge pie of technically experienced and cheap Human Capital.
The exact remedy of this problem will be, the efforts of the entrepreneur's to start building confidence About the WFM concept. The processes managers as well as the 'home stick/sick' executives both have to understand or the capability to analysis and understand the processes.
This is the duty of the entrepreneurs and if they not they are going to be guilty about their future.