Why Everyone Hesitate To Do Business ?
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Why Everyone Hesitate to do Business ?

Have you seen people searching for Ghee with Butter in his hand ?.

The situation is the same. There are lot of talks in the news paper regarding Recession, financial breakdowns, stock market crashes everyday.

People discuss, and discuss, without reaching any conclusions. But Most of the problem their is only one solution,

a. Start a Business, from which you can't be sacked, or ditched. b. Start a Business from which you don't need to fight for hikes and perks.

Its easier than you think. But still, some limiting factors may be there in your mind, let me discuss some of them,

A. All Businesses are Risky - This will be a common dialogue heard by most of the middle level people. The reason, It is the common atittude of most of the employeed people, that starting something their own is risky. Everywhere there is risk, if you walk through the road, there is risk, If you jump into water, there is risk. So no businesses are risky if you manage it the way it has to be.

B. Business People are very Busy - This is another mis conception. Actually it is the other way around. Have you seen any employeed person with time in his/her hand. It will be always with their bosses. If you are into your own business, it is up to you to utilise your time.

C. Money is root of all evil - This is one of the most important reason that prevents people. Have you seen any temple/mosque/church which tells openly, they wont accept any donations ?. None. Yes it is true that money is not everything, but money is something through which 70-80% problems can be solved. It is our tradition to do Puja to Lakshmi Devi who is the goddess of wealth. It is our duty to make wealth and pass it to next generations

D. Business People cheat others - Actually business people generate positive cashflow in the society by delivering value to people. They charge for their Value and Time. What ever it can be.

Friends, there are surely a lots of misconception for us to enter in to Business. I would like to introduce you one industry which has affected thousands of lives directly or in directly. This industry is word of mouth advertising. Here the investment is low, but returns are very high.

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