How To Change Your Home Computer To A Web Server
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How to Change your home computer to a web server

Sr Software Engineer
See interview of Rajesh  Sunkariya
To perform this we need to download and install Opera Unite software in your home computer. To download Opera Unite software please click on the link provided below.

What is Opera Unite Software and how it helps to host your files for free ?

Here I am copying the official Opera's statement about this software.


Opera Unite is a collaborative technology that allows you to share data, such as files or photos, directly from your computer with others, without uploading and sharing them through a central, third-party server. The technology behind Opera Unite uses a compact server inside the Opera desktop browser to share data and services on your computer. There is no need to upload files that you want to share; you remain in control.


The user interface of Opera Unite looks like below.
Opera Unite

To know the installation procedure and use of each components in Opera Unite please look at the User manual of Opera Unite. To view and download the user manual click on the link below.

Introduction to Opera Unite

Opera Unite is a collaborative technology that allows you to share data, such as files or photos, directly from your computer with others, without uploading and sharing them through a central, third-party server. The technology behind Opera Unite uses a compact server inside the Opera desktop browser to share data and services on your computer. There is no need to upload files that you want to share; you remain in control.

Getting started with Opera Unite

To get started with Opera Unite, you only need to install an Opera build with Opera Unite, start a service, and then you can begin sharing and collaborating.

To access a friend's content via an Opera Unite service page, or for your friends to access yours, any standards-compliant Web browser will do, from any device that has an Internet connection.

Sharing content and collaborating with Opera Unite

There are different ways to share your content and collaborate using Opera Unite, depending on whether you are sharing your content or collaborating with others or accessing shared content from others.

Managing Opera Unite

There are options to help you manage Opera Unite and your services, such as returning to your Opera Unite page, toggling the panel, disabling/enabling Opera Unite, changing the computer name, or viewing the status.
