Results of Increased dowload speed after tweaking the system
The Speed I was getting before installing the TCP/IP optimizer
The two things we need to notice are download speed and upload speed.
Download speed: 0.46
Upload speed : 0.24
The speed I am getting after installing TCP/IP optimizer
Download speed: 1.00
Upload speed : 0.44
The result shows now I have the double speed compared to the previous time.
How it is possible? Anyway I am getting the same connection from the ISP. So the change is not at the ISP end. It is definetly happen at my computer end.
The possible reasons are:
1. It changes the Windows registry value for the optimum performance.
2. TCP Optimizer works by tuning up all the important TCP/IP parameters (MTU, RWIN,QoS,ToS/Diffserv prioritization). It optimizes the TCP/IP suit for better MTU and so the stateful connections(eg:video streamings, downloads) will be faster.
Useful links:
To check your Internet connection speed click on the link below.
To download TCP/IP optimizer click on the link below.