Do you think sleep is related to body weight?
You hit the gym four times a week; you watch what you eat
without cheating. Yet, your weight won’t budge. All those late nights might be
the culprit.
link between sleep and weight
A good restful sleep has the ability to de-stress the mind and body. Lack of
sleep tends to cause physical stress. This leads to excessive production of the
stress hormone Cortisol, which in turn stimulates the production of glucose in
excess. And this little extra is then converted into fat.
Sleep deprivation puts your body in starvation mode
Sleep deprived people tend to opt for high calorie sweets, salty and starchy
foods to snack on. That’s because sleep deprivation stimulates the cells to
shout out for more food. Want to beat those hunger pangs? Go to bed!
Sleep deprivation and sluggishness go hand in hand
When you sleep less, you are low on energy and as a result you are less likely
to be physically active. In fact, even small non-exercise related activities
like standing instead of sitting or simply fidgeting are significantly reduced.
As a result you burn fewer calories. Also when the body senses low energy
levels, it reacts by hoarding calories as fat, thereby making weight loss difficult.
How many hours of sleep do I need?
If you are unsure how many hours you need, experiment, when you have the luxury
to, by sleeping as much as you want for four nights in a row. Record how many
hours you sleep on the fourth night. The hours of sleep you received that night
will be the approximate number of hours you should try to get every night.
That’s because by the fourth night your body is refreshed and your body clock
will reach its natural rhythm.
What if I sleep less to exercise more?
The American Thoracic Society International Conference recently held in San
Diego, California reported the following in a study – Women who don’t get much
sleep, up to five hours each night, are much more likely to have put on 33 lbs
(15 kilos) over a 16 year period. This is 30 per cent more likely when compared
to the women who managed to get seven hours sleep each night.
1. What surprised the researchers was that sleeping patterns had a much greater
influence on women’s long-term weight than eating habits or physical activity.
2. At the start of the study, the women who slept up to five hours a night
weighed 5.4 pounds more than those who got seven hours or more. They also put
on 1.6 pounds more each year than the good sleepers.
3. The 1.6 pounds extra per year may not sound like much, but multiply this
number by ten and you have a sizeable weight gap. Imagine what the difference
would be over 20 or 30 years!
4. However, having the best sleep every night and a terrible diet will not make
you lose weight. Make sure that your daily food intake includes 25-30 per cent
protein, 45-55 per cent complex carbohydrates, 15-20 per cent essential fatty
acids. Secondly, make sure you are on an effective exercise program, 4-5 times
a week.
For a good night’s sleep
Don’t go to bed hungry : While this does not mean that you should have a
heavy snack at bedtime, it does suggest that a light snack, rich in
sleep-inducing amino acid tryptophan, can help.
Exercise at least three hours before bedtime : Physical activity
contributes to the body’s need for sleep. But exercising too close to bedtime
can actually prevent sleep because exercise raises the body’s metabolism and
alertness level.
Take a warm bath an hour before bedtime : Your body temperature will
slowly drop after you get out of the tub making you feel tired.
Keep your days active : Resist the temptation of nap so that your body
will be ready for a restful sleep at night.