Insurance Education In India
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Insurance education in India

Pursueing MBA

Insurance Education in India is very old. There are a lots of institute that offers full time and part time degree or diploma courses in insurance. But earlier courses were not match in demand because companies used to recruit any general graduate. After they got into the sector they started picking up the knowledge. Insurance was not chosen by students as a deliberate career path because it had not many career opportunities to offer. Once you entered the sector you would retire from there. And people in this profession were called a piece of furniture.

The insurance education in India started gaining momentum during the primeministership of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. When the university grand commission asked colleges to offer job-oriented courses to students along with normal graduation subjects and insurance was one of them. Moreover, a course with insurance domain knowledge was also introduced at the +2 level. And all those who did that course from kendriya vidyalayas are still rated as the best insurance professionals.

The biggest challenge in this profession is that it does not accrue immediate benefits to the customer, there-fore people do not understand

the need to get insured. People go to bank to get its services but not many people come to insurance companies to get insured. Hence you have to go and market your products. So people have this wrong notion that insurance is a begging profession just because you are going to people and asking them to get insured. Moreover life insurance is directly related to the death of a person and no one wants to talk about death. People tend to postpone their decision. So have to be really patient. Therefore insurance in always sold, never bought.
