The Amazing Power Of Beliefs
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The Amazing Power Of Beliefs

Managing Director
There is no such secret behind that some people are much more successful than others. Why is this? Are they smarter, higher IQ, fittest, healthiest? If you look into the history, you will see that it is not necessarily any of the above characteristivs, but something the internal thinking and behavior the brain offers.

This operating system is where individuals determine what they expect from themselves, therefore living up to it. If you are expecting to fail, guess what? If you aspire and expect to be the CEO of a company, you will!

Most people think that truly amazing or successful people were lucky or coming from wealthiest families. A powerful family, wealth and a great home life, which is not always the case. Look at Mahatma Gandhi, Ho Chi Minh or The Wright Brothers. None of these individuals were extremely powerful or came from great wealth. They were all ordinary individuals lawyers and bicycle repairmen. These individuals accomplished great things, because they were telling themselves great things and expecting nothing less of themselves.


The human belief system is a very powerful thing and what many do not realize is that they set themselves up for failure without ever saying a word. The internal feelings and beliefs about yourself can either make you or break you, it is truly that powerful.There will always be hurdles or obstacles in your way even with a powerful and positive belief system. It is also stupidity to assume that success will fall in your lap automatically. What you need to know is that there will be obstacles in your way but you can learn from the mistakes to turn into a positive experience.Taking less successful ideas and turning them into feed back, correcting and tweaking the system is the formula for success.



From Mayur Bardolia
