RSS Feed To Update Twitter Status Using Perl Script With OAuth Part-II
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RSS Feed to Update Twitter Status using Perl Script with OAuth Part-II

In previous article “RSS Feed to Update Twitter Status using Perl Scriptwith OAuth Part-I (Registration of Twitter Application)” we have learn to register a twitter application and today I am going to tell how to use that application to update your twitter status with the help of a Perl Script which will fetch data from a RSS Feed.

This tutorial is divided in following sub parts or sections
1) Installation of Perl Modules.
2) Installation and understanding of per script.
3) Enabling Keys and setting up cronjob.

1) Installation of Perl Modules

To execute the perl script we need some Perl Modules to be installed on the server. Following is the list of modules which should be available on the server

  • Net::Twitter::Lite : Perl module for Twitter API modules.
  • XML::RSS::Parser::Lite : Perl RSS parser which will be used for RSS Feeds.
  • XML::Parser::Lite : Lightweight regexp-based XML parser and dependancy for XML::RSS::Parser::Lite
  • LWP::Simple : dependancy for XML::RSS::Parser::Lite
  • WWW::Shorten::Bitly : Interface to shortening URLs using URL shortening site


You can install these modules using command “cpan [module name]“. e.g. is you want to install Net::Twitter::Lite you have to execute the command “cpan Net::Twitter::Lite

2) Installation and understanding of per script


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