Who Are Our Friends At Work?
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Who are our friends at work?

Interior Decorator

When you plan on sticking around in an organisation, you need to feel comfortable in it.

And comfort doesn't simply mean a cushy chair and a good pay packet. It also means meeting people you can trust and be friends with to make your stay a little more enjoyable.

Someone to confide in

When you spend more than half your waking hours in a confined space, you've got to find someone to share your troubles with. From something as small as you having a stomach upset to those massive boyfriend problems that seem to crop up every week.

Someone for help

Not all people in an office are as helpful as they make themselves out to be. Sometimes, you'll find it's the most enthusiastic and cheery ones who'd love to see you fall.

That's why you have to pick your friends wisely and find someone who'll be willing to help you in your time of need.

Someone to laugh with

Like the class clown, there's a joker in almost every office. And though they may be borderline annoying at times, they're also good for a bit of comic relief when you're having a bad day.

Someone for encouragment

It's all good to have someone to talk to and laugh with, but you know you have a great friend when she encourages you to do your best and is always rooting for you to get ahead. A workmate with no ulterior motives, who doesn't try to bring you down, is priceless. Making friends at your workplace is easy, but finding true relationships that will outlast the competition and rivalry can be hard.

If you can find persons who possess one or more of these qualities, make sure you appreciate their value.
