They searched for common cures for their ailments in Nature.
Thus was founded the Ancient Medical practise of Ayurveda.
But this was a curative treatment, i.e treatment after the onset of disease.
They wanted something which would prevent the disease.
They looked around them and found that animals usually passed their whole lives without disease.
They studied their postures and inculcated those in their daily exercises, calling them yoga asanas.
As a matter of fact quite a few of the asanas are named after animals and nature
This was all dormant until now.
People had heard about them, read about them but they all remained in the books.
Until one man popularised it with the help of modern day media.
That man is Swami Ramdeo and the media is Aastha Channel.
I have been practising it for the last 7 years or so and spend about 45 minutes daily doing pranayam with beneficial effect.
Not the complicated Asanas, as my body is too old to take on all those contortions.
I practise the simple breathing exercises with simple asanas.
I had angina pain sometime in October 2001.
After about three months of medication, I underwent angioplast in January 2002.
I started Pranayam around June 2002.
I started feeling so well thereafter that I stopped my medicines, without consulting the doctor.
That was my fault.
My angina pains started again in September 2005 and I had to undergo my second Angioplast that same month.
Since then I have been doing pranayam regularly for about 30 to 45 minutes daily and have reduced my medicines under medical advise.
I am feeling hale and hearty and even visited the Roly Poly area near our school in Kurseong on foot during the recent centenary celebrations.
I want to share my gains with everybody so that they can also gain good health and wealth. It is only in old age that a person realizes the value of good health.
It is only then , with rising medical bills, that a persons realizes the truth in the saying, Health is Wealth.
I am explaining below lucidly the pranayams I do with pictures so that everybody can follow clearly and start a pranayam programme themselves.
This was all dormant until now.
People had heard about them, read about them but they all remained in the books.
Until one man popularised it with the help of modern day media.
That man is Swami Ramdeo and the media is Aastha Channel.
I have been practising it for the last 7 years or so and spend about 45 minutes daily doing pranayam with beneficial effect.
Not the complicated Asanas, as my body is too old to take on all those contortions.
I practise the simple breathing exercises with simple asanas.
I had angina pain sometime in October 2001.
After about three months of medication, I underwent angioplast in January 2002.
I started Pranayam around June 2002.
I started feeling so well thereafter that I stopped my medicines, without consulting the doctor.
That was my fault.
My angina pains started again in September 2005 and I had to undergo my second Angioplast that same month.
Since then I have been doing pranayam regularly for about 30 to 45 minutes daily and have reduced my medicines under medical advise.
I am feeling hale and hearty and even visited the Roly Poly area near our school in Kurseong on foot during the recent centenary celebrations.
I want to share my gains with everybody so that they can also gain good health and wealth. It is only in old age that a person realizes the value of good health.
It is only then , with rising medical bills, that a persons realizes the truth in the saying, Health is Wealth.
I am explaining below lucidly the pranayams I do with pictures so that everybody can follow clearly and start a pranayam programme themselves.
Certain precautions are to be taken. These I mention right in the beginning.
WHEN: The best time for doing pranayam is early morning on an empty stomach, after going to the toilet.
If you do not get time in the morning, you could do it in the evening also, again on an empty stomach. At least five hours must have lapsed after your last meal.
BREATHING: Breathe in (Inhale) when you bend backward and breathe out (Exhale) when you bend forward.
WHEN: The best time for doing pranayam is early morning on an empty stomach, after going to the toilet.
If you do not get time in the morning, you could do it in the evening also, again on an empty stomach. At least five hours must have lapsed after your last meal.
BREATHING: Breathe in (Inhale) when you bend backward and breathe out (Exhale) when you bend forward.
Before inhaling deeply, if you exhale all the air in your lungs and allow the stomach to go in, you will be able to fill your lungs to the maximum capacity.
BENDING: People with backaches should not bend forward and people with hernia should not bend backward.
BENDING: People with backaches should not bend forward and people with hernia should not bend backward.
KAPAL BHATI should not be done by a)pregnant ladies, b)ladies during their periods, c)patients who have had stomach or by pass operations in the last 3 to 6 months.
Pranayam should be done in the open fresh air.
In case it is done in a room there should be free flow of fresh air from outside through a window or door.
There are three types of Lotus poise or Padmasan.
Padmasan, Ardh-padmasan and Sukhasan.
For the first you must start at an early age, otherwise it is difficult. In this both your feet cross each other and rest on the thighs.
Ardh Padmasan is easier but still many cannot sit in this posture. I can't. In this one foot crosses the other and rest on the thigh but the other foot rest on the ground
Everybody can sit in Sukhasana.
You can sit straight on a mat laid on the ground with your legs folded comfortably with both feet on the ground.
You can also sit erect in a chair if you have difficulty sitting on the ground.
Sick people can also lie in the bed while doing pranayam, if, they are too ill to sit up.
Sukh means pleasure and Asana means posture.
So you should be comfortable when doing the pranayams.
Sit in a posture which gives least discomfort.
There are three types of Lotus poise or Padmasan.
Padmasan, Ardh-padmasan and Sukhasan.
For the first you must start at an early age, otherwise it is difficult. In this both your feet cross each other and rest on the thighs.
Ardh Padmasan is easier but still many cannot sit in this posture. I can't. In this one foot crosses the other and rest on the thigh but the other foot rest on the ground
Everybody can sit in Sukhasana.
You can sit straight on a mat laid on the ground with your legs folded comfortably with both feet on the ground.
You can also sit erect in a chair if you have difficulty sitting on the ground.
Sick people can also lie in the bed while doing pranayam, if, they are too ill to sit up.
Sukh means pleasure and Asana means posture.
So you should be comfortable when doing the pranayams.
Sit in a posture which gives least discomfort.

Your hands should lie loosely on your knees as shown.
The index finger and thumb should touch and the other tree fingers remain straight.
This is called the Gyan Mudra.
Keep your mouth and eyes closed lightly.
(A) Exhale all air from your lungs and stomach slowly.
(B)Then inhale deeply through your nose so that your lungs are filled with air..
Hold the breath for a second and then exhale through your nose until it is completely exhausted. Then repeat
This intake and exhaust of breath should be done at least 25 times.
This would take about 5 minutes.
In the beginning you can start with 2 minutes and gradually increase to 5 minutes.
When you inhale, repeat the word "Om" in your mind and when you exhale count the breath.
Sit in the same posture as in (01).
Take a deep breath and exhale as in (A)
(C)Just before the breath is completely exhaled, force air through the nose in a rush. When you do this, the stomach will automatically go in by itself.
This is something like when you blow your nose or cough, your stomach goes in.
You force out air through your nose, your stomach goes in.
Each stroke should take about a second.
You do not do anything to take in air.
Air enters your lungs automatically when you release your stomach after it goes in.
Do not hold your breath.
You can do about 200 stomach strokes in 5 minutes.
I do it for about 200 times.
I repeat this thrice alternately with Anulom Vilom to give me 15 minutes.
You can begin with just 5 minutes and then gradually increase to 15 minutes.
When air is pushed through the nose, count the stroke and when the stomach is released, say "Om" in your mind.
(03) BAHAYA also called TRIBAND
Sit straight.
Inhale deeply and exhale air slowly through the nose.
Pull in your stomach.
Squeeze your anus muscles and pull up.
Lower your chin to your chest.
Hold your breath and pull up your body so that it is even more straight.
Hold for about 5 seconds and then release your body.
Repeat the procedure another two times.
This Bahaya pranayam is done to make your spine straight for the next pranayam Anulom Vilom.
Kapal Bhati has a tendency to make you slouch slightly.
So after about 100 strokes in Kapalbhati, you could stop.
Take a deep breath and release it.
When you do this your body again becomes straight.
You can then resume the Kapalbhati strokes.
If you have acute heart problems or cervical Spondilitis, you could do Agnisar instead of Bahaya Pranayam.
Take a deep breath and release it slowly.
Then pull in your stomach and release it while holding your breath.
This is repeated about 15 times.
Again, take a deep breath and release slowly.
Again repeat the cycle.
This cycle can be repeated about 7 times to give a total of 105 strokes.
This pranayam is very beneficial for people having constipation and gas problems and also can be done while sitting on the toilet seat.

Sit in the same straight posture.
Exhale all air from the lungs and stomach.
(A)Raise the right hand and close the right nostril with the thumb.
(B)Inhale slowly through your the left nostril until the lungs are full.
Hold the breath for a second.
(C)Close the left nostril using the middle and ring finger.
(D)Exhale the breath slowly through the right nostril.
The left nostril should remain closed until all the air has been exhaled
(E)Now, inhale deeply through the right nostril
Close the right nostril as in (A) and hold the breath for a second.
Then release the air slowly through the left nostril. Now, take a deep breath through the left nostril as in (B).
Now repeat the cycle about 30 times.
This should take about 5 minutes.

Sit in the same posture as in (01).
Take a deep breath and exhale as in (A)
(C)Just before the breath is completely exhaled, force air through the nose in a rush. When you do this, the stomach will automatically go in by itself.
This is something like when you blow your nose or cough, your stomach goes in.
You force out air through your nose, your stomach goes in.
Each stroke should take about a second.
You do not do anything to take in air.
Air enters your lungs automatically when you release your stomach after it goes in.
Do not hold your breath.
You can do about 200 stomach strokes in 5 minutes.
I do it for about 200 times.
I repeat this thrice alternately with Anulom Vilom to give me 15 minutes.
You can begin with just 5 minutes and then gradually increase to 15 minutes.
When air is pushed through the nose, count the stroke and when the stomach is released, say "Om" in your mind.
(03) BAHAYA also called TRIBAND
Sit straight.
Inhale deeply and exhale air slowly through the nose.
Pull in your stomach.
Squeeze your anus muscles and pull up.
Lower your chin to your chest.
Hold your breath and pull up your body so that it is even more straight.
Hold for about 5 seconds and then release your body.
Repeat the procedure another two times.
This Bahaya pranayam is done to make your spine straight for the next pranayam Anulom Vilom.
Kapal Bhati has a tendency to make you slouch slightly.
So after about 100 strokes in Kapalbhati, you could stop.
Take a deep breath and release it.
When you do this your body again becomes straight.
You can then resume the Kapalbhati strokes.
If you have acute heart problems or cervical Spondilitis, you could do Agnisar instead of Bahaya Pranayam.
Take a deep breath and release it slowly.
Then pull in your stomach and release it while holding your breath.
This is repeated about 15 times.
Again, take a deep breath and release slowly.
Again repeat the cycle.
This cycle can be repeated about 7 times to give a total of 105 strokes.
This pranayam is very beneficial for people having constipation and gas problems and also can be done while sitting on the toilet seat.

Sit in the same straight posture.
Exhale all air from the lungs and stomach.
(A)Raise the right hand and close the right nostril with the thumb.
(B)Inhale slowly through your the left nostril until the lungs are full.
Hold the breath for a second.
(C)Close the left nostril using the middle and ring finger.
(D)Exhale the breath slowly through the right nostril.
The left nostril should remain closed until all the air has been exhaled

Close the right nostril as in (A) and hold the breath for a second.
Then release the air slowly through the left nostril. Now, take a deep breath through the left nostril as in (B).
Now repeat the cycle about 30 times.
This should take about 5 minutes.
While inhaling you could recite "Om" in your mind and count during exhaling
You could start with one cycle of 5 minutes and gradully increase to 3 cycles of 5 minutes (Total 15 minutes) alternately with Kapalbhati and Bahaya pranayams.
That is 02,03 and 04 are repeated.
Close both your ears with the thumb of both hands.
Close both your eyes. The index fingers are positioned on the forehead. The middle and ring fingers positioned lightly on the eyes and nose bridge and the little finger positioned lightly below the eyes. Concentrate your mind at the centre of the forehead, between the eye brows.
Take a deep breath until your lungs are full and then exhale the breath slowly with the humming sound of a bumble bee. The vibration should take place with the mouth closed so that the sound vibrates through your head and brains.
This is repeated 3 to 5 times.
You could start with one cycle of 5 minutes and gradully increase to 3 cycles of 5 minutes (Total 15 minutes) alternately with Kapalbhati and Bahaya pranayams.
That is 02,03 and 04 are repeated.

Close both your ears with the thumb of both hands.
Close both your eyes. The index fingers are positioned on the forehead. The middle and ring fingers positioned lightly on the eyes and nose bridge and the little finger positioned lightly below the eyes. Concentrate your mind at the centre of the forehead, between the eye brows.
Take a deep breath until your lungs are full and then exhale the breath slowly with the humming sound of a bumble bee. The vibration should take place with the mouth closed so that the sound vibrates through your head and brains.
This is repeated 3 to 5 times.

Sit striaght.
Keep your hands on your knees in the Gyan mudra.
Take a deep breath and release the air slowly through the mouth with the sound of "OM"
"O" should be short and "M" should be long.
Since "M" is sounded with the mouth closed we again have a humming sound vibrating through our mind.
For (05) and (06) while the sounds vibrate through the brain, we should think of the Almighty and His powers. We think of His grace and all He has given us. We concentrate our minds at the centre of our foreheads.
We should see a bright glow of light.
(07) Now sit still, eyes closed and concentate on your own breathing for about a minute.
The air goes in and out.
Concentrate on each breath as it goes in and out.
After a minute or so raise both your hands, rub them to generate heat and then place them on your eyes.
This is the complete Pranayam Package advocated by Swami Ramdeo.
A few asanas are recommended by him for different parts of the body
Sit on your feet in the Bajraasana as shown.
Take a deep breath and release your breath.
Press both your fists on either side of the navel, count 5 and then release the pressure.
Repeat three times.

Take a deep breath and release your breath
Place the palm of both hands on the navel, one on top of the other and press the stomach.
Count 5 and then release pressure
Repeat three times.
If you do not have any pain in the back, you may bend forward so that your head touches the knee when you press the fist or palm into the stomach.
If you have back problems, sit straight while you press the fists or palms in Bajrasana.
Sit with your knees stretched to the right and left and your feet soles touching each other.

Sit in the Sukhasan
Raise both hands with closed fists in front of you upto your shoulder level as shown.
Rotate the fists ten times first in the closckwise direction and then in the anticlosckwise direction ten times.
Bend your hand at the elbows and touch your shoulders with the fingers of your hands.
Move your elbow in front.
Now rotate the elbows from your shoulders in complete circles while the hands remain touching the shoulders.
Rotate ten times in one direction and then ten times in the opposite direction.
Right and Below

Clasp your hands and interlock the fingers as shown.
Press the interlocked palms against the back of your head..
The head presses the hand and the hand presses the head with equal force.
This is done twice or thrice.
Take a deep breath and release the air slowly through the mouth with the sound of "OM"
"O" should be short and "M" should be long.
Since "M" is sounded with the mouth closed we again have a humming sound vibrating through our mind.
For (05) and (06) while the sounds vibrate through the brain, we should think of the Almighty and His powers. We think of His grace and all He has given us. We concentrate our minds at the centre of our foreheads.
We should see a bright glow of light.
(07) Now sit still, eyes closed and concentate on your own breathing for about a minute.
The air goes in and out.
Concentrate on each breath as it goes in and out.
After a minute or so raise both your hands, rub them to generate heat and then place them on your eyes.
This is the complete Pranayam Package advocated by Swami Ramdeo.
A few asanas are recommended by him for different parts of the body
Sit on your feet in the Bajraasana as shown.
Take a deep breath and release your breath.
Press both your fists on either side of the navel, count 5 and then release the pressure.
Repeat three times.

Take a deep breath and release your breath
Place the palm of both hands on the navel, one on top of the other and press the stomach.
Count 5 and then release pressure
Repeat three times.
If you do not have any pain in the back, you may bend forward so that your head touches the knee when you press the fist or palm into the stomach.
If you have back problems, sit straight while you press the fists or palms in Bajrasana.
Sit with your knees stretched to the right and left and your feet soles touching each other.
Hold the feet with your hands with your fingers interlocked.
Now rock your knees up and down like a butterfly so that the kenes touch the ground
I must admit I am not very good in this
My clasped hand do not reach the feet
My knees do not touch the ground
I suppose that is because I am not a butterfly
See if you can do it

Your hands are stretched back to support you in the next three asanas
Bring your feet close together again.
Using your heels as fulcrum, rotate the feet first in the clockwise direction and then in the anticlockwise direction. Ten times in each direction

Keep your stretched legs abour 1 1/2 to 2 feet apart.
Rock the complete leg and feet from thigh downward in both the right and left direction.
This should be done about 20 times. Right and Below

(A)Stretch your legs forward so that your feet are near each other.
Move both the feet together forward and backward while wriggling the toes.
This should be done about 10 times.

Sit in the Sukhasan
Raise both hands with closed fists in front of you upto your shoulder level as shown.
Rotate the fists ten times first in the closckwise direction and then in the anticlosckwise direction ten times.

Move your elbow in front.
Now rotate the elbows from your shoulders in complete circles while the hands remain touching the shoulders.
Rotate ten times in one direction and then ten times in the opposite direction.
Right and Below

(D) Hold your left hand with your right hand and pull it to the right behind your head, holding your head straight.
Repeat the same, now holding the right hand with the left hand.
This is also done twice or thrice
Right and Below

Press the palm of the right hand against the right side of your head near the ear.
The head is pressed with equal force against the hand,
This is repeated twice or thrice.
The head is pressed with equal force against the hand,
This is repeated twice or thrice.
This is repeated with the left hand
and the left side of the head, thrice.
and the left side of the head, thrice.
Right and Below

Clasp your hands and interlock the fingers as shown.
Press the interlocked palms against the back of your head..
The head presses the hand and the hand presses the head with equal force.
This is done twice or thrice.

Note: When you do these asanas, breathe in while you raise your body(bend backward) and breathe out when you lower your body(straighten out).
Lie flat on a hard surface on your stomach but with your hand by your side, palms facing down near your chest and elbow raised at angle to the body.
Raise the top portion of your body from the waist using the palm of your hands as support. Hold for 5 seconds and then lower your body.
This is repeated 3 times

Lie flat on a hard surface on your stomach with your hands flat, palms facing up on both sides.
Raise the top portion of your body from your waist and the lower portion of your body from the waist down.Hold for 5 seconds and then lower your body.
This is repeated 3 times.

Lie flat as in on your stomach with your hands on your side, palm up
Raise first the right leg slowly from the waist down and hold for 5 seconds.
Lower the leg slowly.
Now raise your left leg slowly from the waist down, hold for 5 seconds and then lower your leg slowly.
This right and left leg cycle is repeated 3 times.
Right and Below

Lie flat on your back with your hands outstretched at right angle to your body and palm facing up, knees bent and your feet close together near your thighs as shown.
Move the whole body to the right so that the right knee touches the ground and the left knee lies on the right knee and the head is turned to the left.Hold for 5 seconds.

Return to the central position.
Now move the whole body to the left so that the left knee touches the ground and the right knee touches the left knee and the head turns right.
Return to the central position.
Repeat 3 times.

Lie on your back with your hands outstretched at right angle to your body, knees bent and your feet one foot apart near your thighs as shown.
Move the whole body to the right so that the right knee touches the ground and the left knee touches the right feet and the head is turned to the left.Hold for 5 seconds.

Return to the central position.
Now move the whole body to the left so that the left knee touches the ground and the right knee touches the left feet and the head turns right.
Return to the central position.
Repeat 3 times
I do not take any credit for what I have written.
All credit should go to Swami Ramdeo who has brought about a revolution in health consciousness, using pranayam, of not only Indians but the whole world, wherever, he has visited.
This is just a small effort on my part to light the lamp of pranayam in your minds.
Note: When you do these asanas, breathe in while you raise your body(bend backward) and breathe out when you lower your body(straighten out).
Lie flat on a hard surface on your stomach but with your hand by your side, palms facing down near your chest and elbow raised at angle to the body.
Raise the top portion of your body from the waist using the palm of your hands as support. Hold for 5 seconds and then lower your body.
This is repeated 3 times

Lie flat on a hard surface on your stomach with your hands flat, palms facing up on both sides.
Raise the top portion of your body from your waist and the lower portion of your body from the waist down.Hold for 5 seconds and then lower your body.
This is repeated 3 times.

Lie flat as in on your stomach with your hands on your side, palm up
Raise first the right leg slowly from the waist down and hold for 5 seconds.
Lower the leg slowly.
Now raise your left leg slowly from the waist down, hold for 5 seconds and then lower your leg slowly.
This right and left leg cycle is repeated 3 times.
Right and Below

Lie flat on your back with your hands outstretched at right angle to your body and palm facing up, knees bent and your feet close together near your thighs as shown.
Move the whole body to the right so that the right knee touches the ground and the left knee lies on the right knee and the head is turned to the left.Hold for 5 seconds.

Return to the central position.
Now move the whole body to the left so that the left knee touches the ground and the right knee touches the left knee and the head turns right.
Return to the central position.
Repeat 3 times.

Lie on your back with your hands outstretched at right angle to your body, knees bent and your feet one foot apart near your thighs as shown.
Move the whole body to the right so that the right knee touches the ground and the left knee touches the right feet and the head is turned to the left.Hold for 5 seconds.

Return to the central position.
Now move the whole body to the left so that the left knee touches the ground and the right knee touches the left feet and the head turns right.
Return to the central position.
Repeat 3 times
I do not take any credit for what I have written.
All credit should go to Swami Ramdeo who has brought about a revolution in health consciousness, using pranayam, of not only Indians but the whole world, wherever, he has visited.
This is just a small effort on my part to light the lamp of pranayam in your minds.
For more details I would advise all of you to watch Aastha Channel between 5.30 am and 7.30 am,where Swamiji explains the benefits even better with live interviews with people who have benefitted by doing pranayam.
You could benefit even more by paying a visit to his Patanjali Yogopeeth in Haridwar.
This visit too I have not been able to make as yet.
In conclusion, I would suggest that if the if everybody could also start doing Pranayam and Yoga, they would also benefit greatly.
You could benefit even more by paying a visit to his Patanjali Yogopeeth in Haridwar.
This visit too I have not been able to make as yet.
In conclusion, I would suggest that if the if everybody could also start doing Pranayam and Yoga, they would also benefit greatly.
Their general health, stamina concentration and memory power would improve.