Global Leadership Program goals
The Global Leadership Program is part of the consortium’s education mission and has a global curriculum
with expert teachers and consultants operating across continents. The participants are global leaders from various companies who come together at program locations in Los Angeles, Paris, Delhi and Shanghai. The primary dimensions of the GLP are leadership vision and strategy.
Participants of the GLP will receive the following:
1. Strategy formulation tools including environmental assessment, competitive analysis,
opportunity definition and organization design & development.
2. organizational analysis tools including sociograms and actor strategy assessment
Leadership assessment, feedback and coaching sessions designed to develop the capacity to assume
different frames of reference and explore their nuances, build greater self-awareness
and personal objectivity, and develop a fuller range of choices regarding development goals and objectives.
3. A holistic framework of learning that uses our cognitive, emotional, social, physical and spiritual
dimensions as data sources in contextual analysis and understanding.
4. Exposure to a truly global network of business leaders and program faculty from a wide array of
industries and backgrounds for reinforcing different frames of reference, comparing experiences,
generating new insights and becoming long-term friends and colleagues.
5. Immersion in different cultures through sessions on three different continents.
A core challenge in leading global businesses is the tension between different market realities,
management practices, customer needs, cultural norms and business performance constructs.
Understanding and integrating these diverse elements poses the core challenge for global leaders.
Effective global leadership requires a high level of knowledge about the global environment plus
the ability to connect the dots to the value creation functions of an organization, its strategy,
business model and operating structure, and one’s own cultural assumptions. The GLP focuses on each of
these dimensions and the role of leadership in building and guiding a global corporation.