10 Facts About Home Based Businesses
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10 Facts About Home Based Businesses

Here are the details in list format:

1.  Estimated number of home businesses in the U.S.:

  • In 2000, 9. million
  • In 2005, 11.3 million
  • In 2010,  18.3 million

2.  Number of U.S. households with active home offices: 34.3 to 36.6 million

3.  One home in ten houses a home based business

4.  A new home business starts every eleven seconds

5.  53% of small businesses are home based

6.  Seven out of ten succeed

7.  Of the 18.3 million home based businesses, 6.6 million generate at least 50% of the owner's household income.  Of these,

  • 8% generate more than 500k in revenue annually
  • 35% generate revenue above 125k annually

8.  Home based businesses employ an average of two people

9.  They bring in $427 billion annually

10. 50% – the estimated percentage of homepreneurs' household income generated from their home-based business
