How To Combat Oily Skin?
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How to combat oily skin?

Software Engg

All women crave for a glowing complexion - but an oily nose and forehead is bound to turn you off. Women who have a greasy skin are constantly battling against shine and spots.

Hyper active sebaceous glands result in oily skin that makes us more prone to blackheads and enlarged pores and spots.

Oily skin is prone to spots and breakouts as the greasiness can block the pores and attract dirt and grime. Use an oil free make-up remover that will remove dirt without leaving your skin feeling greasy.

Choose a good facial wash or cleanser to keep pores really clean. You can also use a facial scrub or mask for a deep cleanse. Finish off with a moisturiser to keep the skin hydrated while balancing out the effects of excess oil.

Oily skin makes applying make-up difficult. Choose a foundation which has been specially created for oily skin and which has a 100 per cent oil-free formula to keep skin looking fresh and even all day.

Apply lots of powder to your eyelids as a good base for your eye colour and use powder rather than cream eyeshadows, as they absorb any excess oil.

Cream blushers can rub off easily so choose a powder blusher instead. Oily skin can also make your mascara run, giving you smudges, so buy a waterproof mascara that will remain intact all day.

Carry blotting papers in your bag for instant touch-ups to remove shine and help stop the build-up of dirt in the pores.
