Why Is Important PL-SQL Language
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why is important PL-SQL language

PL-SQL programming language supports variables, conditions, loops and exceptions. Arrays are also supported, though in a somewhat unusual way, involving the use of PL- SQL programming language collections. PL-SQL language collections are a slightly advanced topic.

Implementations from version 8 of Oracle Database onwards have included features associated with in object-orientation.

PL-SQL programming language units (essentially code containers) can be compiled into the Oracle database. Computer Programmers can thus embed PL-SQL language units of functionality into the database directly. They also can write scripts containing PL-SQL programming language units that can be read into the database using the Oracle SQL.

Once the computer program units have been stored into the database, they become available for execution at a later time.

While computer programmers can readily embed Database Manipulation Language (DML) statements directly into their PL-SQL code using straight forward SQL statements, Database Definition Language (DDL) requires more complex "Dynamic SQL" statements to be written in the PL-SQL programming language code. However, DML statements underpin the majority of PL-SQL programming language code in typical software applications.

Related links: PL-SQL Assignment Help
