Materials engineering
Another aspect of the Civil engineering is materials science. In Material engineering deals with ceramics such as concrete, mix asphalt concrete, metals Focus around increased strength, and metals such as aluminum and steel, or polymers such as poly meth ylmethacrylate (PMMA) or carbon fibers.
Materials engineering also consists of protection or prevention like paints or finishes. Alloying is another aspect of material engineering, combining two different many types of metals to produce a stronger metal.
Construction surveying
The Construction surveying is normally performed by specialized technicians. Unlike land surveyors, the resulting plan does not have any legal status. Construction surveyors perform the following tasks:
In Survey existing conditions of the future work site, and including topography, or existing buildings or infrastructure, or even including underground infrastructure whenever possible;
The Construction surveying (otherwise "lay-out" or "setting-out"): to stake out reference points or markers that will guide the construction of very new structures such as roads or buildings for subsequent construction;
Verify the location of structures during construction;
As-Built surveying: a survey conducted at the end of the construction project to verify that the main work authorized was completed to the specifications set on plans.
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