From Zero To Hero – Thanks To SiliconIndia And Their Online Java Certificate Course

From Zero To Hero – Thanks To SiliconIndia And Their Online Java Certificate Course

Java developer
From Zero To Hero – Thanks To SiliconIndia And Their Online Java Certification Course

It won’t take you more than ten minutes to read this and once you have read, this might help you to stay happy for the rest of your life. Choice is YOURS…

This is not exactly a blog but a life experience that I would like to share with you which has made me a better programmer, a better professional and a better human being. Read on and you will realise how even small decisions you take at an early stage or at College would shape the rest of your career.

After a long wait of nearly 18 years I was finally stepping into an Engineering College at the age of 18 and was part of the Computer Science department. I was hoping that I would become a CEO of a software company at the age of 30 just like most of you are thinking right now or would have thought when in College.

Several years after graduating from College I was still wandering in a Desert called Career and looking for Oasis of opportunities but found none for a very long time. That’s when I started thinking, “Where did I go wrong in carving out my future? What decisions did I take (or didn’t) in the past which has put me in such a miserable position? What should I do now to get my future back on track? These are the exact questions I don’t want you to ask yourself, these questions will never cross your mind if you start early and be prepared from within to face the IT Industry and identify the opportunities even before it arrives.

As I started putting my thoughts together, it went back to the initial Engineering days when I was fresh out of School with loads of ambition and passion to learn new things. All that was gone now, I was totally lost in accepting things as it came and doing things which really didn’t amuse me, I had lost control over my future and career. I decided to erase everything that I have done after College and wanted to start all of it afresh… That’s when I saw a link on Facebook shared by my old college buddy on his wall, it read – “Vinay has joined the group SiliconIndia – Online Courses”. I thought that this was just another online stuff and clicked on the SiliconIndia link, to my surprise I went through a different feeling when I read the posts on this group. People were sharing their happiness, excitement and satisfaction they had after completing the Web Developer Course in SiliconIndia. I went through the Web Developer course content and was astonished to see the kind of teaching approach these SiliconIndia guys follow.

I was more into programming and by then I had decided that I will work hard towards building my basics strong in ONE programming language and understandably it was JAVA as this is the Mother of most of the applications running in this world. I was just hoping and praying to god that should offer Java course online and with same hope I logged into their website. BINGO!! I was extremely excited to know that Silicon India was indeed offering probably the best online training in Core Java in the whole of internet and to my advantage I got to know that I would also be receiving a course completion certificate from Silicon India.

I didn’t waste any time registering for the course by paying just 1/4th the fees compared to other Java training courses. The very next day I was glued to my Computer going through the text tutorial of Java and then I watched videos where Java professionals with tremendous experience discussed different concepts and programs in Java and finally the assignments section (this is my personal favourite) where I was given mini projects straight from the real IT World. All these things put together and enormous support, inspiration and encouragement from Silicon India Java Professionals I can say that I am now a Guru of Core Java and at office people actually started coming to me to clear their doubts in java which is giving me immense pleasure and am much happier with my life now. In just few months time I can’t believe how my life has transformed from a depressed person to a much happier, satisfied and a little richer person. I am now planning to get my Sun certification which I feel is much easier now after what I have learnt from silicon India. I am very thankful to my friend Vinay who introduced me to SiliconIndia and am even more thankful to Silicon India for creating such a world class online java certification course.

Probably this is the most important part of this blog, I am sure of only one thing now; it doesn’t take a long time to become from Zero To Hero especially if you have a companion like Silicon India and a friend like their online java certification course. I don’t know who you are and how we are related but still if you are reading this then we have somehow become good friends now. Being a good Friend I want to tell only one thing to you, please follow your dreams and get in touch with people like siliconindia who will guide you to realize who you are and if you are in College or working somewhere and interested to learn Java, I strongly suggest you must try the online java certification course from siliconindia.

Thank you so much for reading my experience and I hope the 10 minutes you had spent reading this will not go waste. All The Very Best!
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