5 Ways Digital Marketing Is Going To Help You Improve Your Brand Revenue
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5 Ways Digital Marketing Is Going To Help You Improve Your Brand Revenue

With digital marketing, you have multiple forms of electronic media at your disposal to promote your products and services. The days of Yellow Pages and television advertisements have long gone. You too can generate a healthy stream of revenue with digital marketing tools that are readily available to you.

  1. Video Advertisements

    More than a 100 million users watch at least 1 video everyday online on platforms such as YouTube or Instagram or other social media sites. What seems to be more appealing about moving audiovisuals is the fact that they move. They are more interactive in nature and this is why even Facebook and Twitter have ventured into video advertisements. Audio visuals are an integral part of digital marketing and as the time has passed by, the cost of its development has decreased significantly making it a more approachable marketing gimmick for enterprises of all sizes.

    • Highly engaging and more interactive as compared to text and static advertisements
    • You are easily able to enhance the visibility of your brand across demographics
    • Speed up sales conversion significantly
    • Affordable for every business type
  2. Mobile Friendly Websites

    Mobile friendly websites comprise a very responsive web design and easy navigation. According to an independent study, in the year 2007 there were around 1 million mobile friendly websites. By the middle of 2021, this number will have touched close to the 200 million mark very easily. Where does that leave you in terms of mobile traffic which continues to win over desktop traffic as we speak? Let’s find out by understanding what targeted marketing through handheld devices offers:

    • Enhanced search visibility through mobile devices
    • Simplicity in boosting lead generation
    • An overall improved user experience on smart devices
    • Faster website load speeds
    • Better ways to improve mobile search engine optimization
    • Competitive benefits over your contemporaries who have not yet invested in mobile friendliness
    • Better / enhanced accessibility to your brand for your customers / prospects
  3. Successful Content Marketing

    Content marketing is a very critical aspect of digital marketing. Your website is not going to be successful if it is not informative. Being attractive is not the only parameter of user engagement. In order to generate traffic, you will have to offer them valuable content that is capable of enriching their lives in a way they prefer. More than 75% of your users do not access the second page of the search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Quor. This is because most of your competitors have already invested time and effort in not just on-page SEO but meta tags and meta descriptions as well. A well optimized website is going to rank better and has more chances of appearing on the first page. This makes them more visible to your users and helps you get more organic traffic which leads to higher conversions and more revenue.

  4. Call-To-Action That Converts

    You will find it practically impossible to increase your sales and revenues with digital marketing if you do not invest enough time and research in creating good call-to-action points. The phrases that you use and the catch lines that you put up on your website should be accompanied by a potent and attractive CTA. Your call to action phrase should be written in a way that inspires action. It should be highlighted and the font should be striking as well as engaging. The most important approach to take is to make the CTA button stand out from the rest of the page and interface. This is going to generate higher click through rates and will lead to better conversions

  5. Personalized Emails

    If you haven't yet used a powerful email message to connect with your customers, you are missing out on a very effective digital marketing tool. If you want to send out regular newsletters and encouraging content to your first time customers, try to entice them with a discount they cannot resist. Your blog is already up and running, so this is the right time to send out notifications to your existing audience about the content they find most relevant. Emphasize on the things that they are going to care about the most. Target your repeat customers with your new products and “help and advice” relating to their previous purchases. All this can be done with personalized emails.

5 Ways Digital Marketing Is Going To Help You Improve Your Brand Revenue

Final Thoughts

Digital marketing is not only a way to land your business safely into the online realm. It presents a host of innovative marketing tools that can effectively promote your business and give you access to untapped markets around the globe. So, are you ready to take your brand revenue to new heights?
