Career Planning And You!
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Career planning and you!

frequently and commonly asked question about Career Management is, 'What is successful career planning?' My response in a single sentence is, 'Successful career planning is not an activity but a lifelong process!' Career planning is an activity that is best done on a regular basis throughout your career. In today's context, many of us will easily change careers several times and jobs many times over our lifetime. Further, it is never too soon or too late to start your career planning. Career planning is not a difficult activity, not something to be dreaded or put off, but rather a process that should be liberating and fulfilling, providing goals to achieve in your current career or plans for beginning a transition to a new career. Career planning can be a rewarding and positive experience especially if you have recently lost your job. It will help you to recover and reinvent yourself.

In tough times like now, you may wish to make career planning even a quarterly activity. Find a day or weekend, block out all distractions and appointments so that you truly focus on your career. Spend time thinking what you really want out of your career, and life.

By making career planning a regular activity, you will feel more secure in your career choice and direction and you will be better prepared for the many uncertainties, ambiguities and difficulties that lie ahead in your job and career. By engaging in career planning, you will be 'forced' to take stock of your where you are in your career. It will also help to identify where you are heading, what you should be doing to grow your career, seek employment security and most importantly reflect on your life and career goals!

Reflect on Your Needs & Wants

Change is a fact of life; everybody changes, as do our likes and dislikes. Even our wants, needs and desires changes at different stages of our life. So always take time to reflect on the things in your life, not just in your job, that you feel most strongly about. If you have recently lost your job, been retrenched or made redundant, you may even have to plan a fresh beginning.

Take also the time to really think about what it is you want or need from your work, from your career. Take the time to understand the motives that drive your sense of success and happiness. Understanding your motivations will help you to develop your goals and a vision of your future.

Past Accomplishments

If you have recently lost your job or been retrenched, then examine your accomplishments. Most people do not keep a very good record of work accomplishments and then struggle with creating a powerful resume when it is time to search for a new job. Making note of your past accomplishments and keeping a record of them is not only useful for building your resume; but talking about at interviews to demonstrate the transferable skills and competencies you have. Sometimes reviewing your past accomplishments will reveal forgotten successes, one or more which may trigger opportunities that you have thought about. Always track and leverage on your accomplishments!

Never wait too long between career planning sessions. Career planning can have multiple benefits, from goal-setting to career change, to a more successful life. It helps in writing better resumes and even performing better at interviews. Once you begin regularly reviewing and planning your career you will find yourself better prepared for whatever lies ahead in your career, and of course your life.
