Grow Up Indians!! Entrepreneurship Is Not Mere Management Or Sales.
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editricon Grow up Indians!! Entrepreneurship is not mere management or sales.

Internet Professional

I really feel heartbroken reading through blog posts on Siliconindia pages; especially those in business & entrepreneur section. The people who blog here call themselves as “experienced” business persons trying to steer others or I would rather say mentor others; without even knowing what they are trying to teach. Most of the post in entrepreneur section doesn’t even come anywhere close to the concept of entrepreneurship. And I won’t bother to remark on business section , please help yourself and see what people are blogging (ex: need a call girl?, rent a house, can I teach SEO(they themselves don’t rank higher anyway)).

Let me take a moment here to explain why I commented so callously & what I want to connote.

First of all “ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS NOT JUST MERE MANAGING OR SELLING PRODUCTS. MANAGERS ARE NOT ENTREPRENUERS” (some manager may be entrepreneurs not all) – all those who want to write blog posts in this section - write this down in your personal diary. An entrepreneur is a person who is innovative & inventive in his idea, manages that idea effectively with available resources, caters the dreams of the prospects and capitalizes on it. He assumes accountability for the brand he created, he is an employer, he is a manager, he is a screen, he is a visionary and he is the soul of the idea crafted in customers mind as a brand image.

I have seen posts here saying we can create better products, we can sell better than Chinese, Pakistanis …, we are that, we are this, Indians are good manager, we run the best businesses in the world etc etc .. gimme a break! Why don’t you compare with Japanese, USA, UK, Germany etc? Huh!! Okay let’s talk some facts. We are people who live on if’s and but’s scared to get out of rat race; get our hands dirty and innovate something, we are those 1.2 billion horde rejoicing on 1 gold medal & concluding a successful Olympic campaign. We are those males & females who lecture culture to our family and lay filthy eyes on our neighbors. We are those mass who clap and say paving a better India is only upto few responsible like ambanis & mr.murthy.

Sorry I got diverged from the topic while taking out my frustrations of reading crappy information on this portal. I just wanted to say please don’t be preyed by these time wasters they have least clue about entrepreneurship & business management, if they knew they would have been giving interviews for top pages instead of writing a blog post which says I have made x number of fellows billionaires millionaires. Look for yourself and judge are they really talking business!! Are they giving facts!! Do they have tangible data to stand ground with their point!! I don’t think so.

I am not claiming to be an expert; I am an entrepreneurial aspirant trying to speak common sense. Read business magazines, analyze strategies of big business houses who can give you insight into people’s mind, there is no quick formula for success, and definitely there is no product ingenious product or service which can sell globally. Strategies are formed according to demographic, anyways I am not going to teach strategy here and make post much lengthier. Be wise and use common sense. Cya!
