Employee Appraisal Scores can be DECEPTIVE
“I think Steve is a great guy.” doesn’t work anymore. It has to be “Look at John’s sales performance report. It says he is doing great job.”
next thing that comes into picture is Employee Performance Appraisals.
More than ever organizations are looking to set SMART goals and conduct
performance appraisals honestly. But does HONESTY itself gives accurate
Consider the case of three managers in the same department of an organization in Year 2007. The performance of the teams of these managers was at par with marginal differences.
Manager A: Ram is one of the youngest managers and
hails from Generation Y. He is very optimistic and looks for positive
side of the employees. He believes in motivating by carrots.
Manager B: Sonia is in the middle of her career. She
has high career prospects in the company and looking for promotion in
1-2 years. She likes to play safe.
Manager C: Johnson is an ex-government employee. For
him discipline and loyalty come foremost. He cannot tolerate any
deviation from policies and authorities. He believes in the stick.