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I happened to read a blog byAshok kothare on certain idiosyncrasies of Brahmins which defy any logic. His blog has taken pains to anwer an alleged query by one Vaidehi on the much revered Adi Sankaracharya who is widely believed to have heralded the renaissance of Hindu Religion. He has attempted to demystify certain events in the life of the revered Acharya or so he claims. One such is the defeat of Mandanamishra in a debate. This event heralded the arrival of Sankaracharya as a teacher of any consequence. His theory of Advaita whcih seeks to establish that duality is man made and all life on this earth are manifestations of the almighty himself. Even Lord Shiva who appeared before him in the form of an outcaste - Chandala- surrounded by a herd of stray dogs answered the Acharya's order that he clear his way for him. He e is supposed to have asked what the Acharya meant by he- his bioligical form or his atman. This illustrated that God never ordained caste divisions at all. The Author claims that Mandana Mishra's wife Saraswati defeated Sankara in the debate for she sought to seek answers from the sanayasi on matters related to sex. He further claims that due to this Brahmins who were meat eaters had to give up meat since the Jains who were to convert to Brahminism due to Sankara's defeat of Mandana Mishra insisted as a quid pro quo. Interesting but this also defies logic as many brahmin customs are.