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The evolution of the HRD Discipline is of recent origin Earlier it was the Personnel Department which was required to comply with statutory provisions with regard to labor and workmen. We have eloborate labor laws- Factories Act, ESI Act ,EPF Act, Workmens compensation act etc. These were aimed to ameliorate the sufferings of workers from selfish Managments. Employees State Insurance Act is a noble act aimed to protect the interests- the physical well being of the worker at workplace. It provides free medical aid to the insured and his/her family for a nominal contribution. It provides for accident, sickness benefits etc. But the law also provides exemption to a category of workers called trainees under recognised traning programs as if they are not running any risk.This provision is being used by even big corporations who continue to employ such trainees for a paltry sum of wages without any benefits,. Even PSU like B HEL is accused of resorting to this unfair practice.

The evolution of HRD as a corporate function was to train the workers to take up emerging challenges and increase thier cross functional abilities to facilitate redeployment in times of crises. Most of the time this is not done. HRD is replicating the role of Personnel Managers of yesteryears who keep spying on the workers to identify potential trouble makers so that they could be chucked out.

Serving of a pink slip happened in my family when my brother was asked to put in his papers after a 5 year service with a Pump manufacturer. His Company paid him 3 months notice pay and ofcourse a severance package but the move was ill timed. Naturally he was taken aback because he has borrowed for his flat and his wife is not earning. He has two little school going children. When I was comforting him not to lose heart over this set back after all the world is too big a place and our chances are never dry, he told me that his HR man told him that the Company sought to relieve him from his duties since had inadvertently applied for a senior post in the organisation. The Management perceived him to be disloyal. If I were his boss, I would definitely have scolded him for having planned his exit but nevertheless would have liked to retain him for his other virtues. He is a sincere worker and was once a blue eyed boy of the Management which was also an eyesore to some of his immediate seniors. When some one working for you plans to quit it is as much your fault as it is his because some how he has come to feel inseure in your Company. Afterall corporations are created and run by people. You can not run any company neglecting them. HRD needs to be a little more human.
