Foods That Combat Cancer
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Foods that combat cancer

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Foods that combat cancer


Tomatoes have a high concentration of lycopene which gives it its rich, red colour. The vegetable is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body.

Dr Jhaveri says lycopene can be found in all tomato products like sauces, ketchups and puree. "You can also get lycopene from apricots and watermelons. Eating these fruits raw will allow the body to absorb maximum lycopene," she adds.

Red wine

Red wine contains resveratrol, a chemical that keeps cancer at bay. It is present in high concentration in the seed and skin of red grapes.

"During fermentation, this dissolves in the juice. Red wines are also high in antioxidants which prevent cancer causing cells from being active," explains wine sommelier Shawn Jacob.

Cruciferous vegetables

These include vegetables such as cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, turnips, mustard greens and kale. The vegetables are rich in vitamin C, natural iodine and soluble fibres.

"These vegetables are important for women as they offer protection against breast cancer. Cook them lightly so that the nutrients remain intact," explains Dr Jagtiani.

Green vegetables

They are a good source of folates, which control cell division in the body. "The greener the vegetable, the healthier it is. For instance, choose romaine lettuce over iceberg lettuce, even if it is bitter. It reduces your chances of getting pancreatic cancer," she says.

Cereals also equip your body against this.


Eggs and salmon contain vitamin D, which helps in the absorption of calcium in the body. "This fights lung cancer as well as breast cancer. The best way to get vitamin D is through direct exposure to the sun early in the morning. An egg a day is the other healthy way," says Dr Jagtiani.

If you enjoy beverages, you should include green tea to your diet as it is high in antioxidants and flavonoids that prevent cancer cells from growing in the body.
