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Start your Web Design Career today!

Who is a Web Designer?

Web designers are the creative individuals behind the layouts and designs of websites and Web pages. These days, each business or individual relies on a compelling Web design to do everything from communicating a message to entertain or sell products and services. Web designers play an important role in helping their clients achieve these goals using different design tools and visual messaging techniques.

Web design isn’t just about using Adobe Photoshop. For those who know how but are reluctant to learn new things like jQuery, JavaScript  CSS3, and HTML5 (relative to those who only know HTML and CSS – the basics), you would do yourself a great favor by at least touching these topics a little.

What certifications a Web Designer require?

  1. UCAN’s Certificate in Professional Web Designing (CorelDraw, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Flash)
  2. UCAN’s Certificate in Web Development through PHP
  3. UCAN’s Certified HTML5 Developer

What is the job outlook of a Web Designer?
Web designer’s role is to make the website in such a way that people who visit it can interact and stay on that particular site. If the website's goal is to generate e-commerce, sales results ultimately provide the measure of the success of the Web designer's work. If the website depends on advertising or subscriptions for its revenue, then metrics like online ad click-throughs and new subscribers will provide the measure of success.

What are the Career Opportunities of a Web Designer?

Web designers can find job opportunities in a number of industries including Internet service providers, Internet consulting firms and specialized Web design companies. Advertising firms and graphic design shops also hire Web designers. An increasing number of large enterprises maintain a staff of in-house designers. Finally, Web designers with experience and strong portfolios can establish careers as independent contractors, providing creative services to businesses or individual clients.

Can you become a Successful Web Designer?

  1. If you have proper theoretical knowledge of Web Designing like a Certificate in Web Design, then it is definitely a strong point to build a strong background in your career ahead of you. All you will have to do is apply it in practice and then practice some more.
  2. Once you are done with your certification, your practical knowledge begins from working with experienced Web Designers in this industry. The web design community is huge and you can get help if you search for it.
  3. You will have to acquire the core knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, php, ASP and others, while not forgetting about Photoshop or any other graphics editing softwares. If you are thinking of adapting 3d models in your design, then you should opt for 3D computer graphics sofwares like 3dMax, Maya, etc. This is the hardest thing to get actually, but with patience and perseverance you can master it and then you are halfway to get the job you want.
  4. Practice makes perfect –Everything that you find in theory, you should better try it out in practice. Try to design everything you see around you
  5. You should keep abreast with technology. This is a tech-era and every now and then the softwares that you use would upgrade with new features which you should learn from time to time.

