Check Your Eligibility For Workplace Pension Scheme Today!
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Check Your Eligibility For Workplace Pension Scheme Today!

Workplace pension is types of pension in which all employers in the UK are obligated to auto enroll all his employees. All employers need to enroll all the employees that are 22 years of age or more. A person earning more than 9440 pounds per year is also eligible to get enrolled into this scheme. Another condition is to get this pension is that you need to work in UK.

Under this pension scheme, the employer’s also contribute the same amount of money as much is deducted from your pay every month. There are millions of employees in UK that being enrolled for this pension scheme automatically by their respective employers. The govt. is also entitled to pay into the pension scheme of the worker. Just to give an example: if an employee is earning 50 pounds, the employer will pay 40 and the govt. also will add 10 ponds as tax relief to it. So total amount that will get deposited for the worker will be 100 pounds not just 50 pounds. Tax relief means a portion of your income that would have gone to the government in the form of tax, but is deposited to your pension account instead.

This is good way that could help you in saving more for yourself so that you can lead a comfortable life when you retire. The retirement age is fixed by the state’s government. If you don’t to save in this way, you can surely opt out of the scheme anytime you wish to. Once you have decided to opt out of it, you will not get any contributions from your employer or the government. It is always a good decision to contribute to this scheme as it always helps in the later stages of life. You will have your own pension at the time of your retirement.

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If you wish to know when you will be enrolled for the Workplace pensions, you will have to contact your employer. It actually depends on the size of the office you are working in. Your employer should be able to tell the exact date when he will be enrolling you into the pension scheme. However the large companies are already up for it since the law has been passed by the government. Many companies have already registered themselves for this scheme from 2012 itself.

The Workplace pensions scheme is designed with an aim to help people encourage making savings so that they are not dependent on others when they retire. It is a kind of second income on top of the state’s pension at the time of their retirement. State pension is a kind of pension that is given to you after your retirement by the government. If you wish to have additional income you will have to enroll yourself to the workplace pension scheme while you are working now. If you don’t enroll yourself to this scheme now, you may face a fall in the living standards on your retirement.
