Marketing To Teenagers
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Marketing to Teenagers

Hey guys m here with an interesting topic that in our country major population is youth. All the companies prepare its campaign youth oriented, now this is the issue it is easy to attract the youth customer or not..............

Marketers of yesteryears were always assured that this gambit will work like a charm and they will laugh their work way to the bank but not any longer. Reaching out today’s teenagers can be a hair-raising exercise. Today, marketers have to wander through individual tastes and requirements. Homogeny is passé. Individualism is vogue. Today’s generation of teenagers are also smart, savvy, hyper-stimulated, data crazy, media hungry, techno literate and sweetly irreverential.

Teen marketing is the promotion of products and services to teenage consumers through the use of endorsements, product placement and support of events which they attend.

Why focus on Teens?

v They have plenty of discretionary income.

v They spend family money and also influence their parents on both big and small purchases.

v They shape and impact new fashion and lifestyle trends.

v They hold a mirror to our society.

Factors that are influencing Teenagers:

The teenagers have enormous power to make or unmake brands. The two major factors that are impacting the current generation are Technology & Economy. Others factors that impact the thinking of teens are a greater sense of freedom and strong moral makeup. In addition, there are five important changes, which impact teenagers drastically.

Financial Risk Hitherto Unheard of: They feel that buying things on credit helps them live comfortably and uninhibited freedom.

Role models-not too far away: for many teens, role models emerge within their family.

Radical change in the Information Realm: Studies reveal that an average teenager spends close to nine hours per week on the phone, and the networking spreads far & wide.

Leadership: Teens always look upon well-informed teens as a source of inspiration.

Teenagers Discover their own World: for teenagers, the dividing line between reality and non-reality often gets blurred. Teens like to listen and watch simple stories.

No doubt teen consumers wield substantial Economic might & hold a mirror to the future. Hence, marketers need to develop a keen understanding of the nuances of teen customers. A successful teen marketing programme must provide a strong basis of for fostering brand loyalty and growth amongst the current crop of teenagers and well in to the future.
